Dec, 16th
I attended a marathon race held by MDRT Japan chapter in the National stadium where is a place of Tokyo Olympic 2020. That’s awesome.



We participated as teams of Mission School. I was a leader of three teams and a runner of two teams. It was worthy to serve and contribute. 


We made original T shirts which backside are written with Credos of Mission School. 

We were able to show our spirit for participants of the races. 



Anyway, that was so tough experience. I used to an amateur cyclist and got used to riding long distances but quit ten years ago. Then I started to run instead, but I also quit running because I was so busy at that time and I got my left leg with sciatica.


It was very memorable races because I was able to get a fantastic experience with my friends in the coaching school. I couldn’t anticipate that I can run in the national stadium. I appreciate MDRT Japan chapter for holding such a nice event. I got acquired a new habit that I run customarily. I applied for the next marathon race which will be held in Mori-Koro park in Japan on Feb 11th. I’m going to run for 10 kilometers in it with some friends of Mission School. I’m looking forward to it and I want to practice more as a self-disciplined person.


Dec 15th.
The time is back and forth, but I attended a launch ceremony of 8th term students of Mission School. Mission School has eight months term semester and though out it, the students learn everything they need to set their specific goal that move their emotions deeply, what is called “Mission”. Actually I could set my emotion-moving goals at the time when I had attended as a 4th term student and achieved my short-term goal that I became a champion in my company. Just setting goals which accompanied with just numbers doesn’t motivate us from bottom of our hearts. How do we get perpetual motivation which we have own specific reason to achieve our certain individual goals? That is what we can learn in Mission School. Therefore, I love this school and that is a reason I continue to have relationships with this school as a tutor.



Dec 16th. 

After the marathon race, Mission School held a reunion party in Tokyo, including the first term students to 8th term students who graduated just on Dec 15th. Mostly, they are life insurance sales people. (Actually some students are tax accountants  or a judicial scrivener.)  


マラソン大会の後、ミッションスクールでは1期生から 12月15日に卒業したばかりの8期生までの同窓会が東京で開かれた。ほとんどが生命保険の営業マン。(実は税理士や司法書士もいる。)

I delivered my speech for 2 minutes. I think there is no other school in Japan that provides such a deep content which we can dig down our sense of values in the past experiences and set our specific goals which shake our emotions to achieve our own goals. And a principal, Takeyan, who has already turned 60, doesn’t have eternal life. Therefore we should acquire an ability of him as a successor. 


Dec 20th,
It is a study meeting of 9th term students of Mission School. I was there to deliver my speech for 90 minutes. “What is soul fact finding ?” “Don’t  focus on a company, but a human.” “Don’t set just financial goals, but emotional-satisfying goals.” “There is your secret talent right beside your complex in the past.” “Think about LIFE before LIFE INSURANCE.” That was the most comfortable time for me because it was totally time that I could generate my power without focusing on myself or my profit or how I am judged by others. I just sparked with my mission.




Dec 22nd, 

I donated a certain amount of money for an orphanage in Nagoya city as a MDRT member in this region. There are children who can’t stay with their own parents for some reason. One of my favorite seniors friend in Prudential Life said “It is the first-class life insurance sales person who can contribute to not only those who needs their life insurance but also those who can’t be protected by our job.” How profound it is.


地域のMDRTメンバーとして、名古屋市内の児童養護施設に一定の金額を寄付した。何らかの事情で実の親と暮らせない子供たちがいる。私の大好きなプルデンシャル生命の先輩が、"生命保険が必要な人だけでなく、私たちの仕事では守れない人たちにも貢献できるのが一流の生命保険営業マンだ "と言っていた。なんと深い言葉だろう。

From here, I’m going to share with you my recent situation.
I applied for Onishi private school because of recommendation by Hiroki who is 6th term student in Mission School.
As Brian Tracy says. “Take at least 1 hour in the morning to study something informative in your own domain. Because you will fall behind and your knowledge will be obsolete quickly ever than before unless you do it.“

You may be surprised. I’m into SUIKA game. At the beginning of doing this game, I was just asked my son for making SUIKA. But inadvertently I came to love it. Two cherries become a strawberry. Two strawberries become a grape. What an abstract thinking it is. I found it as a training of abstract thinking. 


Entering December, my son came to be into Bey Blade X.
Is this the modern-day New Year’s spinning top? I thought.



Finally, I finished reading this book written by Guy Baker. There were so much information that not only life insurance sale people should know, but all salespeople in other industries because how prospects come to want to buy in terms of their emotions is so crucial in the era of AI.


I’m reading this book right now. I want to finish reading during the new year holidays. To be honest, I don’t want to break my streak in this season because it’s hard to have appointments like as usual. Instead, there are much plenty time to do nothing or eat too much. I had lost my self confidence several times in the past new year holidays. So I have changed my way of thinking to be determined. Nevertheless it is the new year holidays, I maintain my habit that I get up at 4:45am and I exercise everyday, listen to audiobooks in English, mimicking, shadowing, meditation, visualization, brainstorming with friends in the coaching school, and so on.


I’m supposed to brainstorm with a friend in the school from 7am on January first. It’s crazy, isn’t it?


It’s my favorite. I bought this kind of legal pads in NYC in October.
I use it for organizing my entire tasks in a day. I call it “Dash-board”
一日のタスクを整理するのに使っています。私はこれを "ダッシュボード "と呼んでいます。

I write my goals on the top of the paper everyday. And I write things needed to get done today, schedule of today. I cross off the tasks when I get the things done.

Brian Tracy says, “How can we increase our self confidence? That’s easy because when we accomplish all what I need to finish today, crossed off every task in the end of the day before you go to bed, you feel your self confidence goes up.”

By the way, the new year holidays don’t  mean special for me. I keep doing what I do usually. But in terms of the amount of free time, it’s far more than usual. I have brought several books to parent-in-law’s house and booked a hotel to study alone. ところで、私にとって年末年始は特別な意味を持っていない。いつもと同じように過ごす。しかし、自由な時間という点では、いつもよりはるかに多い。義父母の家に本を数冊持って行ったり、一人で勉強するためにホテルを予約したり。

Speaking of English learning, I have spent 4 hours to 5 hours a day every day throughout 2023. I have taken one lesson  at least in DMM. And I take it while driving during working days, from Monday to Friday, in order to improve my productivity. Except it, I listen to Youtube in English while walking my dog every morning. I read English books aloud before I go to bed, I meditate in the morning and before I fall asleep and I use meditation videos on youtube. Of course it induces to meditate in English.

On top of that, I started to take additional lessons in Native Camp. Because Native Camp provides us with lessons which don’t require reservations in advance. Like calling to a call-center, I can take lessons as I want to. And there is no limit in terms of times of lessons in a day. It’s like a all-you-can-eat system, isn’t it?


Brian Tracy says “Only 3% of those who decided their new year resolutions on the January first can hit the target at the end of the year. Why? Because they just decided it in their mind. It didn’t become their habit, subconscious mind. How to hit it? Write it down. Writing down stimulates your fine motor skills and your brain and changes your RAS(Reticular Activating System). Keep writing down makes your brain think “This is important for me.” What 3% means? The 3% people is those who keep writing down their new year resolutions every single day first thing in the morning and instilling it into their subconscious mind. That’s the key to achieve any goal that you want to achieve.”
ブライアン・トレーシーは、「元旦に新年の抱負を決めた人のうち、年末に目標を達成できる人はわずか3%しかいない」と言う。なぜか?心の中で決めただけだからだ。潜在意識の中で習慣化されなかったのだ。目標を達成するには?書き出すのだ。書き出すことで、運動神経と脳が刺激され、RAS(網様体賦活系)が変化する。書き続けることで、脳は "これは自分にとって重要なことだ "と思うようになる。3%の人とは、毎日朝一番に新年の抱負を書き続け、潜在意識に植え付ける人のことだ。それが、どんな目標でも達成する鍵なのだ。"

I hope your RAS will be activated and hit your own target in 2024.
I will keep striving. I don’t think it is an effort at all.
Because that’s what I want to do.
私も努力し続けます。 努力とは思ってませんけど。