It's not Naples known as Napoli in Italy but Florida. I'm gonna attend the Top of the Table meeting there starting from Oct 11th. "See Naples and die" is a title of a movie in the past.


MDRT has three qualifications. MDRT and COT and TOT. COT stands for Court of the Table and means who achieves 3 times of results of MDRT. And TOT means 6 times.

MDRTには3つの資格がある。MDRTとCOTとTOTで、COTとはCourt of the Tableの略で、MDRTの3倍の成績を残した人という意味。そしてTOTは6倍を意味する。

At the beginning of my carrier, I couldn't imagine I achieve TOT. That was incredible, I thought. But continuous learning from MDRT and strong relationships with members if MDRT made me determined and progressed.


I appreciate it.


By the way, before I leave Japan for TOT mtg, I delivered my speech for members if Prudential Philippines.


A MDRT member invited me as a speaker. She got aquatinted with me in Singapore. She was volunteering at the forefront of the main platform in Global Conference 2023. We became friends on Facebook. I said to her "I can give you a speech in English.". One month later, she sent me a message of an invitation.


I gave my speech with informative methods and my way of thinking for over 40 members who are mostly eager to be MDRT.


That's awesome.


I need a compress. A legendary life insurance sales person, Mr. Fukumoto said "I met Tony Gordon and his wife when I attended a TOT meeting long time ago. She was suffering from arthritis. Then he gave his compress for her. Tony and his wife were so glad.



Actually, I'm suffering from right shoulder pain. I started feeling electric like sense on my shoulder's since the middle if September.


If you like Gundam, you may know "Magnetic coating" which renders Gundam faster in order to apply to Amro's reaction speed.


I thought Elekiban is things for the elder. That's the fact I aged. (I'm 43.)


Taking a bullet-train as usual, then I got to Haneda airport. I was getting together with Mr. Fikumoto(Nobu). 


I came to know him for the first time in a workshop in 2019 held by my company's MDRT branch. Nobu was a guest speaker and I learned a lot.  He was known as a legendary sales in Japanese life insurance industry.

福本さんを初めて知ったのは、自社のMDRT分会が2019年に開催した研修会だった。福本さんはゲストスピーカーで、とても勉強になった。  彼は日本の生命保険業界では伝説的なセールスとして知られていた。

At that time, I had thought he was a person above the clouds and I had no chance to be close to him.


But I met him in the annual meeting in Boston 2022, then Global Conference in Sydney 2022. Gradually I was recognized by him. Lastly, I became intimate with him in Top of the Table meeting in Santa Barbara 2023.

しかし、2022年のボストンでの世界大会、そして2022年のシドニーでのグローバルカンファレンスでも会うことができ、徐々に私は彼に認識されるようになった。そして2023年、サンタバーバラで開催された TOT会議で、親しくなった。

He is turning 60 in no time. We need to be handed down his philosophy.


Being on wings for a journey to MDRT conferences is a time to immerse myself to a world of study. 


I'm really into Brian Tracy. I always listen to his material like youtube videos. I wanna specialize myself to what I'm good at and what I love.


Landed on JFK international airport. I needed to move to other terminal. 


During layover, I had occupied Nobu. I asked, asked, asked. I insatiably learned. 


He said "We Japanese have a proverb -Slurp even mud water-,  but I think the key to success is whether we think the mud water is tasty or not."


TOT is a kind of embodyment of efforts, unexpectedly.


Unfortunately, the flight I took to Naples was delayed for 1 hour. While waiting, we meet the current president of MDRT Japan chapter. 


We waited for gate open being exhausted because of the long haul flight and jet rag.


Twenty four hours since I left home, lastly I arrived at a venue of TOT meeting, Ritz Carlton Naples. It's too luxurious just to stay. I can stay here one third as cheap as usual price in appreciation of MDRT.


At the first night in Naples. Some of Japanese TOT members gathered and discussed. I'm gonna sleep well and prepare for the beginning if the meeting.

Perhaps, there wiil be little time to write blogs everyday from my experience in the last TOT meeting. The schedule is packed and I will be

immersed into the TOT world around the clock.


I will enjoy. I want many TOT members of Japan come to want to participate TOT meeting or lots of MDRT members come to want to achieve TOT by reading my blog.


It's life changing experience.
