The final day of the GC. I have a duty as a PGA so that I wear well dressed outfit.


One of my English mentors, Mr. Nakamura. Coincidentally I met him in front of the elevator of the Sands hotel. We talked while walking to the venue of a session from 8am.

8:00am. COT & TOT open forum. We sit around round tables and discuss and share each other. I made a lot of opportunities to boost my productivity or balance between work and life in the past forums. As usual, COT members ask questions or share their concerns and TOT members answer them. By the way, I met Mr. Mitsui in the same forum  of Sydney GC 2019. At that time, There were only him and me because it was the also last day of the GC and no one excluding us came eventually. That the fact I became closely acquainted with him. 


“How to achieve TOT.” This was the most interesting question for COT members. I share several ideas for them. But these were what I learned from TOT members so far. They shared, so I share. Why I was able to achieve TOT is very simple. I put myself into the environment of sharing which is provided by MDRT. That’s the reason I wanna give back to MDRT.

9:30am. Yee Von! She is one of my MDRT friends.  A couple years ago, Chie introduced her to me. She is playing an active role in MDRT conferences abroad and domestic one. 
イー・ボン!MDRTの友人の一人。  数年前、矢澤さんが彼女を紹介してくれた。彼女は国内外のMDRTカンファレンスで大活躍している。

Ms. Ozaki, she has been a champion of Gibraltar life insurance was volunteering as a PGA in Yee Von’s session. She advised a lot for me in the past. Probably 4 to 5 years ago, she said to me “If you achieve TOT, your company will change and go into the next age” I was so encouraged. She taught me “Don’t do what others can do. Do what only you can do”. She always NOT drive a car by herself. 


Her speech explains how to be a giver and make a win-win environment around us. She mentioned about Adam Grant who delivered a TED talk speech about givers and takers. That’s very interesting so that I recommend that you watch it.

11am, I attended a focus session  presented by Phillipino speaker. If you see signs of Google or TOYOTA or Alipay, what do you imagine? If you see Mother Teresa or Tiger Woods, what do you imagine? They have strong brand images. So what so your clients image when they see your name? She emphasized that we should strengthen our what we are good at and consider how to let clients know who we are.


The final main platform began 1pm. 

A father ripped off the world map in a magazine into fragments so that he wanted his 5 year-old son to focus on something other because he had been irritated by his son even though he was very busy to prepare his speech next day. He said to his son “Recover it into the original world map”. Amazingly, hiis son did within 15 minutes. Because the back of world map was a picture of a person’s face. His son recovered the world map by recovering the person’s face from fragments. In fast changing world, we need to adapt and change our perspective. Change isn’t gonna slow, you have to transform to make a difference and an impact. Public is success but private failure. It’s not meaningful.  We have to take ownership.  Be aware about it.  Creating your north star. Think internally about death time to time. Adversity is a gift. 

ある父親が、翌日のスピーチの準備で忙しいにもかかわらず、5歳の息子にいらいらさせられていた。息子を別のことに集中させようと、雑誌の世界地図を断片的に切り裂いた。彼は息子に「元の世界地図に戻しなさい」と言った。驚くことに、息子は15分もしないうちにそれをやってのけた。なぜなら、世界地図の裏には人の顔が描かれていたからだ。彼の息子は、断片から人物の顔を復元することによって、世界地図を復元したのである。変化の速い世界では、私たちは適応し、視点を変える必要がある。変化には時間がかかるものではなく急速です。変化とインパクトを与えるためには、変身しなければなりません。公的に成功しても、私的な失敗は意味がない。  私たちはオーナーシップを持たなければならない。  自覚を持つこと。  自分の北極星を作ること。死について内的に考える。逆境は贈り物。

Story telling is difficult for ordinary advisers? The answer is no. Believe in yourself. Conviction drives action. 22 times more memorable. Behind every protected client is a persistent advisor.

People  sometimes fear success. Health insurance is better bought 5 years ago than 5 minutes later.


Boundless resilience.  Life insurance is Love insurance.

#1 Find inspiration and let it move you

#2 Hope forward past your current adversity 

#3 Set goals that take you outside of your comfort zone 

#4 Rewrite your story as a success story 

#5 Doing the right thing always pays off

限りない回復力。  生命保険は愛の保険。

#1 インスピレーションを見つけ、それに動かされよ

#2 今の逆境を乗り越えて前向きに希望を持つ

#3 コンフォートゾーンの外に出るような目標を設定する。

#4 自分の物語をサクセス・ストーリーに書き換える

#5 正しいことをすれば必ず報われる

How do we raise the bar from here?


AHHH! I though that it can’t be conveyed by writing. Please attend meetings. Today’s main platform was awesome. How many people were moved? How many MDRT members did decide to get out their comfort zone?


At night, we hung out with legendary members in Japanese life insurance industry. One coincidental meeting calls the next meeting, one after another. MDRT magic is so fascinating.


The second party. I thought I was  fortunate to be here because I decided to get out of my comfort zone in the past. So, I wanna get out of my comfort zone again.


I knew it. The Global conference in Dubai in 2020 was cancelled due to COVID-19. I am really happy to see you again and meet first timers in Dubai 2024.
