Good morning. I was able to work out for the first time in two days. It was not crowded than I anticipated. It’s 7:30am.


I heard two famous Japanese top life insurance salespeople also work out periodically.
As a person I recognize myself as a leading person in the future in this industry, I also do so.


Hey! It’s not authentic Stretch Pole®️! I need to let Takeyan who is my coach know the fact the gym in Marina Bay Sands doesn’t yes your product.

Today, I have several volunteer jobs so that I need to consider my clothes. At first, takin part in the main platform and then I need to get to MDRT foundation volunteer task immediately. So I put on the Foundation shirt.


8:30am. The doorways opened.


Pitor from Poland is always here. I met him for the first time in Global Conference in Sydney 2022. He was also volunteering in front of the stage. I courageously talked to him and got acquainted.


Pitor and Powel from Poland. They invited me as a speaker of their study meeting in Maarch online. It was my first experience to deliver a speech or seminar in English.


Mr. Kagawa! There is no day I don't see him in MDRT meetings abroad. 


Dance brings me a connection.


I felt how international this conference is. I think that GC is more international than annual meetings as of this date, definitely.

Mikey Moriya! He is thriving Japanese and the same age as me.


Today’s main platform is held as MDRT SPEAKS. MDRT SPEAKS is a new way of delivering of the main platform. It started in the annual meeting in LA 2018, probably. Several MDRT members give a short speech within 5 minutes one after another. 
本日のメインはMDRT SPEAKS。MDRT SPEAKSは、メインプラットフォームの新しい発信方法。2018年のLAでの年次総会から始まった(確か)。MDRTのメンバー数人が5分以内の短いスピーチを次々と行う。

Some speak Mandarin, some speak English. I used a simultaneous translator given by MDRT at the registration desk and listened to Mandarin speeches in English. And also some speak Singapore English, others speak American English. There are so many dialects and differences in the same English. It’s not easy to comprehend contexts but it’s fun for me.


I got ahead of the main platform at 11am, started the second volunteering time in MDRT foundation desk. 


What a international table. Everyone loves MDRT.


Yeoh Cheng! I'm not sure when we became friends but without noticing we came to be friends on Facebook. I was able to say hello in person finally.


"You are a guy who was sitting besides me yesterday?!" He asked me and I said YES. I was beside him when I participated in an Indian member's session.


She is Chanté Lowe who is a bronze medalist in Beijing olympic. I was moved by her speech in Nashville. She comes also here. 


At the foundation desk. I was in charge of a lot of members in English. All they need to do is write own messages on a piece of paper and post it on a wall. Various messages I saw were impressive. Some of them wrote their goal in this year, some of them wrote their gratitude for someone, some of them wrote their own names.


Then going back to the room and dressed up for PGA volunteer tasks.

それから部屋に戻り、PGAのためにおめかし^ ^

She has something to do with Japan(Her siblings live in Japan?) She was interested us and talked to us. We became friends immediately. She comes from Philippin.


3:00pm, I attended this focus session presented by a Malaysian speaker. He said how to make high net worth people be our clients is simple and easy. Do basic things consistently and carefully. Find your unique selling point and think how to stand out compared to others. A basic way of thinking to sell something including life insurance is the same in the world, basically.

In PGA reception from 5:30pm. Every PGA can attend the reception party. Jane Blaufus was the speaker of the focus session I had the question.


The same age men! 

7pm, JCE(Japan Chapter Evening)was held. I was able to only the former part for 1 hour of the party because I needed to go back to the venue of the conference.

19時〜 JCE(日本会パーティ)が開催された。私は会場に戻らなければならなかったので、前半の1時間しか参加できなかった。

Hey, I met up Salzena from India again. She was working at the venue of the best PGA award as a receptionist.


Yes! I got the best PGA award continuing from Nashville! 

It was the most soul shaking time in this GC for me. MDRT changed my life totally. So I just did what I wanna do.