It’s the first day I got up at Marina Bay Sands hotel.

I’m going to stay here for 6 days. 

For me, the most important thing is how to prepare my caffeine deck.



From my room in the morning.


Quite good weather it is.

I can see my coach’s house.


After spending leisurely time, I headed to Lau Pa Sat. We can ride subways and buses with VISA touch. It’s convenient.

Today also the coaching school is going to hold a lunch meeting.

I ordered a roasted pork rice and kopi. 8SD


Wow, Kuwa-chan who is a champion of Prudential and Tsuru-chan who is a Top of the Table only based on selling life insurance for general family were coming. They are graduates of “Break Through Coaching” which was provided by my coach before “Mission School” began, approximately 8 years or more ago.


Do you know “Helium ring”? To build a good team is needed to have the same image. If we have different images in each other, the outcome will be different or collapse.

At first, hold a ring which has at least 15cm diameter or at most 1m with index fingers of participants. Then, a goal of this work is get down the ring to the surface of the table. There is a rule that if someone’s finger comes off from the bottom of the ring, we need to restart from the begging hight. You can understand if you try. It’s very difficult. Everyone knows the goal is let the ring be going down, but ring doesn’t go down. Because everyone has different images on how fast one’s finger goes down or whether the goal means when all fingers touch on the table or when finally the ring touch on the table.

Afternoon, a 7th term student of Mission School, Koji came to my room and had a brainstorming with me for 1.5 hour. i deeply dug down his past and sense of value. I was satisfied after the session. I like this.


For example, if you have some typical character, like a “consistency” “desire for approval“, you may realize it or not, you mustn’t have got such a character when you were born, as a newborn baby. Before you know it, you have got the character. There is definitely something affected you and made you get the character. 


Someone got his sense of value that he can’t help eat up everything. It comes from his experience that he was scolded by his father when he wasted his meal which was made by his mother. Someone who strongly has desire for approval has experiences that he felt his lack of ability in his school age. Every habit and character, trait, way of thinking, sense of value come from these particular experiences.


So, what is our mission? The answer is this. Your true mission always fulfill and satisfy your past and your present and future. We feel positive emotions when we fulfill our desire or something lack. DON’T SET JUST A GOAL OF NUMBERS, SET YOUR OWN GOAL WHICH MOVE YOUR EMOTION WITH VISUAL. Through your own mission, if you can satisfy others, you can get gratitude or help or money. That is a rule of the universe.


At last, I got to a venue of MDRT Global Conference 2023 at Sands Expo and convention center.

4:30PM. MDRT PGA volunteer kick off meeting which I think the most significant in comprehensive MDRT experience was held.
A leader of our task force is GINA, who is friend in the same Japanese life insurance industry and very energetic sales person is expressing her great leadership and distributing her fantastic smile.

午後4時30分。包括的なMDRTの経験の中で、最も意義深いと思うMDRT PGAボランティア、のキックオフミーティングが行われた。


Note) PGA stands for Program General Arrangement. PGA is a volunteer. Basically PGA consists of MDRT members. PGA help other members and sustain running of conferences. I didn’t realize worth of PGA at first and avoided to participate in PGA task but finally I noticed the power of PGA and PGA experience totally changed my life. PGA brings us everything, connections, relationships, experiences of leadership, whole person concept and also knowledge and sales ideas.

注)PGAとはProgram General Arrangementの略。PGAはボランティアです。基本的にPGAはMDRTメンバーで構成される。PGAは他のメンバーを助け、会議の運営を維持する。私は最初、PGAの価値に気づかず、PGAの仕事に参加することを避けていましたが、ついにPGAの力に気づき、PGAの経験は私の人生を完全に変えました。PGAは、人脈、人間関係、リーダーシップの経験、全人格的なコンセプト、そして知識や販売アイデアなど、あらゆるものをもたらしてくれる。

One of my English senior coach, MIKI. I asked him how I should start my English learning after an annual meeting in Boston, June 2022,


Another English coach of mine, Chie. She is a DVP(Divisional Vice President) of PGA in Global Conference. I heard her excellent English speech and explanation. Chie-san! you are rock!! I’m proud of you.


In an individual PGA meeting. I’m in a task force which helps members in focus sessions.  By chance I found a guy who has similarity in our clothes. He is Sandy. He comes from Indonesia. We became friends each other and exchanged our SNS. I’m learning English to communicate with members from all over the world. But please don’t hesitate to do it because you think your English is not good. Japanese have enough ability to communicate in English. Just get out of your comfort zone.

PGAの個別ミーティングにて。私はフォーカス・セッションでメンバーを助けるタスクフォースに入っている。  偶然、同じような服を着ている人を見つけ声を掛けました。彼はサンディ。彼はインドネシアから来たそうで。早速SNSで友達になりました。私は世界中のメンバーとコミュニケーションをとるために、英語を勉強中です。でも、英語が苦手だからといって遠慮しないでください。日本人の英語コミュニケーション能力は十分です。自分のコンフォートゾーンから抜け出してください。

I had dinner with my junior colleagues in the same branch office of the same company.

He is COT. (There were another COT outside of the photo and his family  including three girls.)


I always think I intend not to eat too much when I go abroad. But it’s inevitable.
Starting tomorrow, MDRT conference will begin in full swing.