It's what's called pushing day. I worked out my chest. 


I waited my friend of the coaching school .


Hagi-chan is a life insurance sales person in the same prefecture and works at other company. We has known our names each other since so many years. But he joined the coaching school by chance in this year, and got close. He visited my hotel and had brain storming with me for about 1.5 hours.


How our coaching schoo called "Mission school" is profound and great is able to be explained that it's not only pursue success of numbers but true success and happy in own life based of what we are good at and love. My brain storming is favorable because I dig deep down one's past experiences and find their emotions which inspire their unstoppable power.


It’s a fantastic photo. He went to Anaheim to visit a venue of MDRT annual meeting in 2012 just for visiting、event though he wasn’t a member of MDRT. In his life insurance company, There is a traditional way to achieve MDRT. At first, non-members go to the US with their colleagues who are MDRT members and feel atmosphere of MDRT at the very venue but can’t enter any main platform or focus sessions. To feel the mood of MDRT and feel regret why I can’t enter and participate. MDRT members share their experiences in the annual meeting after every session, and non-members acquire knowledge and power.

He coincidentally found famous Tony=Gordon and beg to take a photo with him. After this experience, he has continued to be MDRT member and this Global conference is his 8th MDRT conference held abroad. How fantastic!
偶然、有名なトニー=ゴードンを見つけ、一緒に写真を撮りたいと頼んだそうです。この体験の後、彼はMDRTの会員になり続け、今回のGlobal conferenceは彼にとって8回目の海外でのMDRT会議。素晴らしい!

Note) Non-members can’t enter the venue of MDRT conferences. You can feel just atmosphere from outside.

Moved to Orchard station at 11am.


Today, a reunion party of the coaching school was held in Good Wood Park Hotel. 


My coach. I wonder how many students have been changed their life by him.


I proposed a toast. I pretended to be Ichiro, as usual. Ichiro is my role model.


Imagine as if you were your role model. Savor the sense of being the role model. That imagination will become true because of function of RAS.

自分がロールモデルであるかのように想像する。 自分がロールモデルになったような感覚を味わうのだ。 RASの機能により、その想像は現実のものとなる。

Do you know her?  Yoko Hanawa is a famous financial adviser in Japan and an author of several books published. She has appeared on television in a program called "Honma Dekka TV" 

あなたは彼女を知っていますか?  花輪陽子さんは日本で有名なファイナンシャル・アドバイザーであり、何冊もの著書を出版している。テレビ番組「ホンマでっかTV」にも出演している。

I had lunch with her. And I was able to learn a lot of things about capital flight.


There were other two private bankers in the venue and a person who has come to Singapore after what’s known “FIRE”.  Mr.O is a private banker who deal with rich people who basically has over 5 million USD. He work for so-called foreign capital investment company and used to be a employee of HSBC. Mr.S is also private banker who work for Japanese capital company and deal with rich people who basically has over 2 million USD. At last, Mr.I is a professor of a certain Japanese national university (Actually, I am a graduate of it), and achieved “FIRE” (Financial Independent & Retirement Early), lives in Singapore. His expertise on the university is to help startups in foreign countries

会場には他にもプライベート・バンカーが2人いて、いわゆる "FIRE "を終えてシンガポールにやってきた人物もいた。 O氏は、基本的に500万ドル以上の金持ちを相手にするプライベート・バンカーである。いわゆる外資系投資会社に勤めており、以前はHSBCの社員だった。S氏も日系資本に勤務するプライベート・バンカーで、基本的に200万ドル以上の富裕層を相手にしている。最後に、I氏は日本の某国立大学の教授で(実は私も卒業生)、「FIRE」(Financial Independent & Retirement Early)を達成し、シンガポールに住んでいる。大学での専門は海外のスタートアップ支援。

I learned how people in Singapore invest and what kinds of investment they do. Basically they, private bankers, deal with several investments but especially they emphasize an array of “Bonds” which we Japanese can’t buy in Japan. How many kinds of bonds we can buy, coupon rate, and how to buy, there are so many differences. Particularly, I was amazed their method called “Leverage”. An investor can get a loan instead of letting a bond they have as collateral and invest money they got into other bonds. It occurs on margin between an interest rate of a bond and a loan. 


During daytime, I had a brainstorming with friends of the school. Everyone has a certain own goal which shakes one's own emotion. How to find and set and keep going after it is the most important.


6pm, we started a dinner reunion. I talked a lot with professor Mr. I. He has lived here for 15 years. He used to be working for IT technology company and seems to have some stocks of these company as an employee’s stock option. He told me that was a first step of his investment live.

A rate of income tax in Singapore is very low, much less than Japan. I heard at most 20~23%. What is amazing is there is no tax on investment benefits, interest tax, capital gain tax, and dividend tax. How great financial nation Singapore is. I understand why so many rich people come here and live. But basically, we need to live here. I mean we need to be resident of Singapore. (I heard it’s required that we have determination to live over one half of a year abroad.)


I know if you want to avoid Japanese inheritance tax, you need to live abroad over ten years and your descendants also are required to live over 10 years. There is a big wall to overcome Japanese inheritance tax. And it looks difficult for people who have their own middle-sized non-listed companies in Japan. Almost all of my clients may think it’s fascinating but they can’t help hesitating. Because their daily life or operations or executions on their company exists on Japanese land.


In the second row, from left, Mr.O, Mr.I, Yoko Hanawa, Mr.S.

That’s like a picture of Japanese cabinet, isn’t that?



At last, I arrived at Marina Bay Sands. It’s not I’m rich why I can stay here. MDRT provides members who participate in MDRT conference with discounted accommodation. And these accommodations are fairly convenient to go to venues of conferences.

ついにマリーナ・ベイ・サンズに到着した。なぜここに泊まれるかというと、私が金持ちだから,,,ではない(笑) MDRTは、大会に参加する会員に割引宿泊を提供しています。そして、この宿泊施設は会議の会場に行くのにかなり便利。

The view from level 37, tower 3(the Northest), for Singapore strait.

I’ll take a rest preparing for MDRT days starting tomorrow.

