I love working  out. I love hotels that have a gym. Whenever I go abroad, I intend to have a time to work out as much as I can. (Actually, it’s so packed with meetings and networking so that I have little to do it)


Today I started by visiting my coach’s home. He is an inventor of Stretch Pole.


It's a sacred place. So many YouTube videos of him were taken in this place.


Like this,


Let's to start today's trip. Also today’s tour guide is my coach’s wife.


We headed to Bay Sands to grab a kaya toast.


That was so tasty! I’m about to be into it! I’m not sure why the set includes two half raw eggs. But it was also really nice.


Moved to Singapore flyer (a ferris wheel)


Singapore Flyer and Marina Bay Sands.


I saw people looks like coming from India in a ticketing place of Singapore Flyer. I asked them "Where are you from?"(I felt they have something to do with me by my instinct)

シンガポールフライヤーのチケット売り場で、インドから来たらしい人たちを見かけた。彼らに "どこから来たの?"と尋ねた。(直感的に自分と関係があると感じた)

Note) This kind of positive behavior will be helpful to achieve your next goal. Don’t stay in your comfort zone or the status quo. GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Then something transcendent happens.


We got known we are in the same industry. "By any chance,MDRT?" "Yeah! we are MDRT!" "I'm TOT!" "Really?! Hey guys here is a TOT!!"


The above photo was taken as it happens.


(And then, a meeting like this will become MDRT magic, sooner or later.)


From Singapore Flyer. I like kinds of rides or buildings or activities which make me feel abstract or make me get out of comfort zone.


These activities subconsciously affect my RAS(reticular activating system), and rewritten RAS will find my higher goal autonomously.


Grabbed lunch in a food court. It's enough to feel atmosphere of Asia.

フードコートで昼食。 アジアの雰囲気を感じるには十分だ。

Raffles hotel. The oldest hotel in Singapore, we enjoyed mood and shopping.


Today's main event was to visit Citi bank and meet a private banker in charge of my coach.


How do they deal with client's' assets? Is there merit for non-resident of Singapore? How is a taxation here? Japanese yen, does it go up or down? How do they think American interest rate and inflation.

顧客の資産をどう扱うのか? シンガポールの非居住者にメリットはあるのか? 税金はどうなっているの?日本円は上がるのか下がるのか? アメリカの金利やインフレをどう考えているのか?

I learned a lot directly by the professionals of Citi bank Singapore. To be a client of them, they require at least 200,000USD on your bank account of CITI.


After the citi bank, my coach and we enjoyed Chinese Yamu-cha. It was all you can eat. I was full.


After dismissing the tour meeting, I hanged around the Chinatown and found a massage parlor by chance. I was swallowed up involuntarily because I was so tired with walking a lot, over 15,000 steps a day.


From 9pm we,  some of graduates of the coaching school gathered at the top of Marina Bay Sands, the bar “Spago”. We discussed how to live our own life with our own mission seriously.


Do you have a mission on your life?

Is your mission something getting you goosebumps? We talk about LIFE seriously before LIFE INSURANCE. NOT your life as a creature , BUT your life as an entire story since you born until you die.

あなたの人生には使命がありますか?あなたの使命は鳥肌が立つようなものですか? “生命”保険の前に、“人生”について真剣に語り合う。生物としての人生ではなく、生まれてから死ぬまでの物語としての人生だ。(生命保険とは、人生保険である)