Moisture and water ingress of cables is a common problem. Some overhead cables are laid in damp environments such as underground, and they are prone to damp and ingress problems over time. Once the cables are in water, water tree aging will occur under the action of the electric field. Eventually lead to cable breakdown. According to our existing technology, there are not many rescue methods for cables after damp and water. In actual operation, the most common way is to saw the cable head in water and saw off the front end. A few meters, see if Liman is dry, if there is still water, then continue to saw forward, but if the entire strip is filled with water, there is nothing to do.

Therefore, it can be seen that there are not many existing technical methods for cables damp and water, so the significance of preventing cables from damp and water is greater than repairing. For the methods of preventing cables from damp and water, there are common measures as follows. First of all, the reason why ACSR cable is damp and water is very large because there are impurities and pores in the insulation of some cables, which cause water vapor to enter the cable through these positions, causing the cable to be damp and water. Therefore, consider that the laying environment in some places is too humid. For water, it is necessary to choose some high-quality cables or special cables that are moisture-proof and waterproof.

Another thing is to ensure that the cable head is well sealed. For sawn cable ends, whether they are stacked or laid, they must be sealed with plastic. It is best to use a special cable gland to prevent moisture infiltration. And after the cable is laid, the cable head must be made in time to avoid delay in entering the water vapor. According to the data obtained in practice, most of the damp parts of the cable are concentrated in the cable head. Therefore, the strict specifications when strengthening the operation of the staff and the strengthening of the cable head manufacturing process are very effective preventive measures.