Mainland China Decisive Battle-

Sun’s the Art of War



At the South China Sea, the CCP Navy will comply with the Allied demands.

The CCP Navy Fleet will pull up to the mainland China, centered on Hainan Island, as required. The Allied Forces blow up the military bases of the South China Sea  Islands that were built by the CCP. And as the next step, the Allied forces head to mainland China.





Next demand of the Allied is to dismantling (PLA) which CCP did not thought about.

Now CCP does not allow the Allied force to advance to the mainland.
It is clear that if the CCP loses the war, it will be hard for the Communists in the near future. Most of the hidden assets that CCP executives have already deposited with Western financial institutions have been frozen. Of course, they illegally sneaked the Chinese people's property, but once they get it, they are their own money. It's painful to lose even a little, and to lose the whole amount. The savings for retirement have disappeared. Even Swiss banks, who thought it was safer to deposit than in the US, frozen the assets of Communist executives.



It's already torn. They can't draw back. Pulling means death. If at least lost to the Allied forces, executives would be tried and imprisoned for life. Not only himself, but they were involved in some form of family corruption, and so are families who are not yet in fear of asset freezes. Their own punishment would probably be a death penalty if the Allied forces were US forces (who allows death penalty), not including European ones (who does not allow death penalty).





Humans will do anything in exchange for death. Since it was a naval battle in the South China Sea and They knew that the CCP Navy was not an enemy of the Allied Forces, They accepted the request of the Allied Forces and withdrew the CCP Navy. But when it comes to the mainland China, it's a different story. If you are on the mainland, you should be able to fight well. Even if we lose the metaphor, we are still in the death penalty.


 If the Communist Party executives of the evil itself, who have been doing so much evil until now, would even think that humankind could be destroyed. They may also consider using Chinese nuclear weapons. Even if nuclear weapons are left for the time being, the PLA will make every effort to defend the mainland. You can press the case button at any time.





Even if the Allied Forces mobilize all the US bases in the neighboring countries and are supplied by the Japanese Self-Defense Force, the opponent is still local.



When landing, the CCP has thousands of tanks. We must be prepared for a considerable sacrifice. Killing the Allied forces would not be understood by the countries that make up the Allied forces. You wouldn't want to get killed in that way. This is the point to think about. The other party is the other party. There is no choice but to use Chinese strategic tactics.

Speaking of Chinese style, it is Mr. Sun's military law. CCP has been using these widely, but in this situation there is nothing better. It is a military law that has endured 3,000 years of history. It is important to win as much as possible without fighting. Mao Zedong's hands on Chiang Kai-shek even in modern times.



 In this situation, in order to prevent the nuclear weapons buttons from being pushed together, we can only promise to return the assets of the CCP executives that have been seized. However, it requires a full surrender and disarmament of the PLA. Perhaps they will accept the terms. Western countries are trusted. They don't trust the Chinese, but they trust the Western government. We will have to accept a great deal of things such as their personal safety. Accept as much as possible. It is Mr. Son's military law.




Disarmament of the PLA and secure security of nuclear weapons. Then, the threat of nuclear weapons is eliminated and the Allied forces occupy the whole of China. Thus, for 70 years since Mao Zedong declared the founding of the People's Republic of China in October 1949, the Chinese Communist Party, a violent group that has ruled 1 billion people (at the time) with violence rather than as a government elected by the people, is over.



Then the Allies should do the same as the US forces did after the Pacific War. Neighboring countries such as Tibet, Xinjiang Uyghur, Inner Mongolia, and Qinghai will be independent, and mainland China will be divided into three except Manchuria. Manchuria separates from China whether it wants it or not. Make China and Manchuria accept the Peace Constitution. It is the same as Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution which the allied forced to accept.


For a while, if we take the Pacific War as an example, for the next 75 years there will be peace where there is no evil illegal government in the world. Of course, there are numerous peace-requiring requirements in the world such as the Palestinian problem, the Kurdish problem, the Maghreb problem, and the environmental problem. But world peace is not threatened.




 Human beings will survive for thousands of years until the time of their extinction, while dragging such problems.


Good luck to humanity.   (End)