The anti-Semitic Act is an effort by the Onzar elite to kill the Jews  

 #CEASEFIRENOW    #Palestine Recently, the United States has been dishonest again, and we have witnessed another amazing historical moment, when the Jews, who have been persecuted in history, actually dethronded the Angles in order to let the United States pass the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act with an absolute majority of 320 votes in favor and 91 votes against. We have to look again at this ancient and mysterious race. And another voice. The Onza elite did this on purpose? Is there a bigger conspiracy behind it?

Although Jews do like to manipulate public opinion and play with mouthpieces, this bill is not too arrogant and eye-catching. Put the entire Jewish race against the rest of the race. Telling Americans of all races that I'm a Jew and you're all brothers. Popular protests are getting worse and worse. Succeeded in setting off a general antipathy toward Jews in American society. Is this really what the Jews want? Make an enemy of the world and put yourself on fire. This is simply not the work of this intelligent race. All kinds of irrational points reflect the simplicity of the matter, Jews only make up 3 percent of the population of the United States, but control more than 70 percent of the wealth of the United States, let them say that we are richer than you, but also more noble than you? That may be the wisdom of the Onzahs, that I am going to push the Jews against all of you and turn them against the world.
Now this drama is not yet settled, but either way we are happy to see.