- I'm [My Name] from ABC inc. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Please take my card.

 It's my pleasure to meet you.


- Which do you think is more effective as a method for injecting knowledge into LLM, Fine-Tuning or Retrieval?

- I think the issues with RAG are that the token fee is high, and the quality of the generated tokens depends largely on the quality of the database being retrieved.


- I think AWS and Azure are platforms, but in the future do you plan to focus on providing generated AI as a PaaS or as an IaaS like GPU?


- Vector databases can handle various data types, such as documents, images, and audio, making it easier to search and find relevant information. 



As far as my understanding goes...

As far as my knowledge goes...

My understanding is...


If I'm not mistaken, from my understanding...



From my point of view...  

From my viewpoint...



So my question is...,
Let me ask one question,

I would like to confirm/clarify your thoughts/opinions/ideas...

May I confirm one thing? So,.......



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Sorry, I had difficulty following you.