



My dear friends , this type of alien is the one I have seen in the abyss of the concrete building Wernher Von Braun and astronaut Edgar Mitchell took me to see. Some bodies were not intact but mangled some were like the one in this video. To the best of my recollection there could have been 8 in glass containers. This is what I posted a while ago:

I will say it again & again, over & over, Dr Wernher von Braun SHOWED me alien bodies that were somewhat similar to the ones in the video  – but their shape & decayed/injured state is certainly similar!). 

They were being kept inside a massive, refrigerated room –  at least three flights of stairs beneath a building that is situated on a well-known NASA base! (Are they still being kept there? I don’t know…but look back at some at my previous posts on this subject, I have made it very clear where this was!)

Before we went in von Braun asked me to put on an orange, Antarctic-style warm coat - with the circular blue NASA logo on it - and he also put one on too.

Inside it smelled like a hospital.

I could see what looked like heavy, glass containers, with lifeless bodies lying inside them. 

It was a shocking sight! Like when you see an accident that has happened, and you feel like something has hit you in the stomach.

The containers looked like thick, triple-glazed, transparent coffins that were misted with frost along all of the edges and corners.

The bodies were small, thin & very frail looking with big heads. but disturbingly familiar. 

They looked uncannily like us -enough for me to feel repulsed and sorry for seeing these “victims”. 

They had either been severely injured or had decomposed a lot. But not all.

None of your cynical & sceptical scoffing comments will change what I have seen. 

Friends, please let me know your comments.

 And let me know if you think this footage of the alien is real or not. It certainly is very convincing.


何度も何度も言いますが、ヴェルナー・フォン・ブラウン博士は、ビデオにあるものといくぶん似た異星人の遺体を私に見せてくれました - しかし、それらの形状と腐敗/損傷状態は確かに似ています!)。

彼らは、有名な NASA 基地にある建物の下に少なくとも 3 階分の階段を上った巨大な冷蔵室の中に保管されていました。 (それらはまだそこに保管されているのでしょうか? わかりません…しかし、このテーマに関する私の以前の投稿をいくつか振り返ってみると、ここがどこにあったかは非常に明確にしました!)

私たちが入る前に、フォン・ブラウンは私に、青い円形の NASA ロゴが入ったオレンジ色の南極風の暖かいコートを着るように頼みました。そして、彼もそれを着ました。












It dawned on me that YOU were probably used by the CIA in a false flag PSY ops operation .

If they made YOU believe you could read the word architecture then you could make bothers believe it and the whole thing is an enigma.

It's CIA level global sleight of hand 

 With your psychological skillful narcissistic tendencies and weaving mind are a great candidate to believe yourself and they could build you up & exploit your fame .

They then have on their hands someone that would make others believe & this way divert energy and resources from other programs .

Everything is created twice & semantics sometimes precede the fact.

It must have felt horrible to be used in this way , when it dawned on you ?

Very very smart PSYOPS from a time where many were more gullible .


あなたたちはおそらく CIA による偽旗警察の PSY 作戦に利用されたのではないかと思いつきました。





すべては 2 回作成され、セマンティクスが事実よりも優先されることがあります。


多くの人がだまされやすかった時代の、非常に非常に賢い PSYOPS です。
