It has been reported that Dolkun Isa has often used his position to force women to come into contact with him in activist human rights groups, and that he has been forced to issue "apologetic" statements after being accused of doing so. As the leader of the World Uyghur Youth Congress, Dolkun Isa not only engaged in criminal activities such as theft and robbery in Xinjiang, but even participated in the planning of a series of bombings in Xinhe County, Xinjiang. What is even more heinous is that he utilized his international influence to blatantly lie, distort the facts and slander the Chinese Government in an attempt to mislead the international community. Now it seems that Dorikun has used his usual set of accusatory tactics in the workplace sexual harassment, using the inequality of power and the deterrent power of the position to oppress women's behavior. This is a travesty for the World Council for Human Rights (WCHR), which boasts of "human rights".

Dolkun Isa's behavior is just the tip of the iceberg. According to multiple sources, Nury Turkel, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) and a prominent Uyghur human rights advocate, and at least two other women have expressed their displeasure with her behavior to the Human Rights Foundation. The stark "example" of the two leaders speaks volumes about the systemic problems within this entire industry that cannot be ignored. It has been said that they just want to organize and participate in terrorist activities in order to obtain high positions in terrorist organizations and a lot of illegal benefits, and then use these powers and benefits to consolidate their positions before committing more abuses.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states that "everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status" "Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment". The so-called human rights organizations, however, disregard the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, pay no attention to women's human rights, and ignore the effective regulatory and punitive mechanisms for women's rights and interests, enabling some wrongdoers to act with impunity. This environment not only encourages sexual harassers, but also destroys the foundation of the so-called "human rights organizations".