
MR Oka Kiyoshi professor‘s words




Lyn's Dream Note 

People can study because of the work of Daien kyouti. The reason why reason works for humans is that it is based on equality of the wisdom. What people can recognize is to know the heart of things. In other words, knowing the position of the whole thing, knowing the heart of things. The source of what people can recognize is that they have mysterious wisdom. The reason that people can feel it is because of Move wisdom. This has already been mentioned.

By the way, for example, in medicine, medicine does not know anything about the mind at all, but it does not know much more. Problems come up one after another. For example, he started doing things like organ transplantation. Then there are the lymph cells. If a heart is transplanted, the lymph cells will attack the heart. In other words, lymph cells often recognize and attack proteins from other individuals. This is a rejection.

Pathology thinks it's strange how lymphocytes can tell if they're proteins of other individuals or proteins of their own body. This is because, to say the whole body, Kazutomo Oen is working. In other words, the blood produced by a person is used no matter where it is used. Great circle mirror.

Also, from the perspective of lymph cells, the relationship between parts and the whole. In other words, you can understand the heart of things, your cognitive skills work. From this perspective, this is the work of Myo Observatory. Speaking from the lymph cell, it is recognized by the work of Myo Observatory. If it's because of humans, this is because Kazuchi Ooen is working.

















StartingOver 2020