


A study suggests millions of middle-aged adults who believe they’re healthy may actually be obese. 


Researchers looked a people’s body fat percentage instead of calculating their body mass index, or BMI. 


Here’s Phillip Roxby: BMI, the standard tool used worldwide for assessing body weight works for most, apart from the very muscly (筋肉の)


But it doesn’t allow for the buildup (増強) of fat around our middles from the age of 40 and the decline of muscles, which often don’t change overall body weight. 


When researchers analyzed levels of body fat in more than 4000 adults, around 50% more men, and 40% more women were classed as obese than with BMI. 


Using a lower threshold for obesity would, they say, give a clearer picture of who’s at risk, from heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 


BMIを盲信していた もっと疑うべきだった


肥満の定義はexcessive fat tissueだが、excessiveはどんな基準で決めたのだろう???