


Japanese police say they received record number of lost items last year which is partly being blamed on people carrying ever-smaller electronic devices. 


Almost 30 million items were handed in across the country in 2023. 


Theft rates are low in Japan and it’s common to find lost belongings.  


Will Leonardo has more details: The increase is partly to do with more footfall (足音) after the last corona virus restrictions were lifted, but also because what people carry with them is changing. 


There have been more wireless earphones, handheld electric fans, heated tobacco devices and portable charges. 


With theft rates low,  Japanese police are remarkably successful of reuniting owners with their lost property. 


Children are taught from young age to hand in items however mundane (ありふれた) to ubiquitous (至る所にある) local Koban Police boxes. 


It’s the fact often noted by international visitors who might not expect to see a lost wallet or phone again in their home countries.




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