


Events are taking place today to mark the 200th anniversary of the first performance of one of Western classic music’s greatest masterpieces (傑作), Beethoven’s 9th symphony. 


It was performed on May the 7th, 1824 in Vienna where the German composer lived and worked for much of his life. 


Beethoven himself conducted the first performance despite his increasing loss of hearing.




昨年久しぶりに生演奏を聴きました。東京混成合唱団がたった16人で素晴らしい合唱を聴かせてくれました。素晴らしかった。第九さん、200周年おめでとうございます 東京混成のみなさん、こんな田舎まで来てくれてありがとう オケもありがとう


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