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South Korea says that the birth rate has fallen to record low despite the government spending billions to encourage women to have more children. 


The number of children that woman is expected to have in her life time has dropped to 0.72. 


Jean Mackenzie reports from Seoul: Many developed countries are grappling (難問に取り組む) with population decline but none in quite such an extreme way. 


It’s estimated that in 50 years majority of Korea’s population would be older than 65, posing major challenges for its economy, its health care system and its pension part. 

For years politicians here have been trying to reverse this drastic decline. 


Couples who have children are showered with cash payments, subsidize housing, and free hospital bills. 


But it’s clear these financial incentives are not working. 



日本1.26, China 1.09 (2022)だそうだ

少子化対策は難しいようだ それにしても韓国の子持ち夫婦への優遇策は反感を呼ばないのかね

ともあれ日本人は岸田氏の異次元のばら撒き政策から目を離さず 無効ならさっさと財源にするという社会保険上乗せをきっちりやめさせるべし