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 North Korea has hacked into (侵入する) the personal emails of a member of the South Korean President’s team. 


It occurred in a run-up (準備期間の活動) to President Yoon Suk Yeol’s state visit to Britain last November. 


Jean Mackenzie reports: The North Korean hacker was reportedly (そう聞こえる? proposedlyとしか聞こえんけど) able to access the President’s schedule of his state visit in November. 


As well as emails sent by the President himself. 


The government aide had been using his personal email account to plan the trip to London, during which President Yoon met King Charles and Queen Kamila as well as the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. 


The President’s office here has confirmed to us (wasと聞こえるけどなあ) that the hack took place but it would’t detail (詳しく説明する) what information was stolen. 


It’s said its security hadn’t been breached and blamed the careless actions of one of its employees. 


Pyongyang is increasingly using cyber-hacking to steal both large amounts of money to fund the regime as well as sensitive state’s secrets.





