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The first survey of the impact of avian flue on sea birds around Britain shows the virus has caused the (toに聞こえた) dramatic decline in three species. 


The RSPB counted the bird populations last year 2 years after the virus first spread to the UK. 


Our science reporter Georgina Lenard has the details: A powerful bird known as the pirate of the sea suffer the largest decline of the creatures surveyed. 


According to the RSPB, the Great Skua population in the UK has fallen by 76% since 2021. 


Gannet and Roseate Tern were also badly affected. 


The 3 species were growing in numbers (複数のs!) before the H5N1 strain of avian flue hit wild birds. 


The RSPB says its new report is a wakeup call about the serious risk posed by avian influenza to the UK seabirds.  






