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Japan has protested to (他動詞だが相手を示すにはtoがいる) South Korea after the Supreme Court there upheld (支持する) lower court decisions ordering two Japanese firms Nippon Steal and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to compensate Koreans forced into (他動詞、to-動詞またはinto-名詞) labor during the second world war. 


Details from Monica Miller: South Korea and Japan have been on track to men ties (よくわかりません) after years of tension of a forced labor during Japanese colonial rule in the early 20th century. 


In March officials in Seoul said plaintiffs (原告、告訴人) who had won lawsuits against the two Japanese companies would receive compensation from a South Korean government-backed foundation rather than the sued firms themselves. 


The latest ruling has prompted an angry response from Tokyo. Japan’s top government spokesperson said the rulings were extremely regrettable and totally unacceptable and that Japan has lodged a protest (抗議を申し込む) with South Korea. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-protests-south-korean-supreme-court-ruling-forced-labour-compensation-2023-12-21/
