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Surgeons at New York University say they’ve carried out the world’s first complete eye transplant. 


Aaron James underwent 21 hours of surgery to get a new left eye. 


Shown Deli reports: 46 year old Aaron James suffered significant and life-changing injuries in a work accidents in June 2021. 


The electrical worker lost most of his left arm, left eye, front teeth and parts of his cheek and chin when his face contacted a live wire which sent 7200 voltes of electricity shooting through his body. 


Six months on from experimental surgery, the benefit of the patient have so far been cosmetic. 


The left eye sees nothing but tests show good blood flow to the retina. 


Doctors are performing monthly tests in the hope that vision might appear.



眼球を移植して視神経周囲にドナーの骨髄幹細胞を注入した 視力は出てないが網膜への血流は良好だとのこと ドナーとレシピエントの視神経の接続が大きなハードル だけど角膜移植までだった眼の移植が進歩するかもしれない creativeで夢がある話 応援しています