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Doctors in Britain have carried out a rare procedure to allow an 8-year-old girl to receive a kidney transplant without the need to take drugs to stop a body rejecting the organ. 


Surgeons reprogrammed her immune system before the operation. 


With more here’s our medical editor Fergus Walsh: Aditi Shankar has an extremely rare genetic condition which weakened her immune system and meant her kidneys were failing. 


Doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London rebuilt Aditi’s immune system by giving her a bone marrow transplant using stem cells from her mother. 


Six months later she received a kidney from her mother which her body accepted as her own. 


Within weeks of the transplant Aditi was taken off immunosuppression, which means she doesn’t risk the long term side effects of these powerful drugs which she usually has to taken daily to prevent organ rejection.






