

European Union Foreign Policy Chief Josef Borrell said the deal to revive the 2015 Nuclear agreement with Iran is within reach following nearly a year of talks in Vienna. 


This report from Simon Ponsfant: The deal is designed to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions in return for lifting sanctions. 


This month negotiators have strongly hinted there’s an agreement all but finalized. 


The EU’s Foreign Policy Chief has now echoed the optimism. 


But the negotiators also cautioned that nothing is agreed until everything’s agreed. 


And there’re still plenty of problems that cause to scupper revival of the deal which Donald Trump abandoned in 2018. 


Among them is around demand for the dropping of sanctions against its Revolutionary Guards. 


Analysts warn that the Iran’s increased pace of its nuclear program and that failure of stop it would raise the risk of regional conflict.


26/03/2022 20:01GMT 英国放送協会ワールドニュースから


revive: 生き返らせる、生き返る

curb: (強く)抑制する

hint: ほのめかす

all but: ほとんど

finalize: 完成させる、終了させる

echo: (感情を)反映する、おうむ返しに言う

scupper: (計画などを)駄目にする

around: ~に基づいて、~を中心にして あまり聞かない使い方のように思う