


The supreme court in Bangladesh is to rule shortly whether to abolish the unpopular systems of quotas for civil service jobs. 


It led nation-wide clashes (意見、利害などの衝突) between police and university students who argue it’s discriminatory. 


Anbarason Atrarajan reports: Streets in the Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka are deserted (さびれた ) as the second day of curfew is enforced following wide-spread anti-government protest. 


The government has ordered the closures of all businesses and offices except for those providing essential services. 


Around a hundred and fifteen people have been killed in the past weekend crushes, but local media reports a much higher casualty figure. 


Internet has been suspended since Thursday, cutting the nation off from the rest of the world. 


And in the last few minutes, the supreme court has dismissed (却下する) the lower court order which reinstated (元に戻す) quotas in government jobs.  




