Well hello真顔

This is my first post all in English, and I’m pretty sure my friends don’t use Ameblo back home, so it’s pretty much gonna be just a diary entry lol.

Anyway, decided to post in English as I feel that I’m losing my language skills... and it’s supposed to be my first language!!!!!! 滝汗 Probably a good idea to keep my writing up to date. 

I blame myself though, as I stopped reading a lot of English materials, and frankly I just don’t have time to read books and watch English programs because of my job...I’m currently pregnant with my first child, and am 11 weeks in! Super excited but at the same time quite nervous as I have no clue what being a mother is like...

Today is my day off, so planning on just relaxing, but I haven’t had a full day off recently, so I have no clue how I want to spend my day... caught a cold last night as well, so I feel kinda crappy, but I also don’t want to just sleep in all day...チーン Still have morning sickness so I’m not super crazy about eating, but maybe I should fix myself something to eat. Sucks that I can’t take medication...being pregnant has it’s ups and downs for sure!

Lastly, here is a picture of my cat:

(Yes, my bike’s tank cover has been kicked out by this fatso笑い泣き)

Today is such a perfect weather to ride, but unfortunately no more motorcycle for me! Hopefully in the near future!!

So...what to do...lol