職業はどこから生まれるのか? | H9生まれ、ぼっち大学生。その名もペンギン












    Expecting to graduate university a year later, I sometimes think about what I wrote in the caption. When a job-offerers asks of job-appliers a typical question on what motivated him or her to apply to them, frequent replies would be like "Because I felt the job worth doing". Yet, needless to say, where a job is born is not worthness, but its intrinsic market value.

    These consideration often leads me to one obscure question: what is market value? I guess this would belong to the economic's field. In contemporary Japanese society, most people earn money by jobs which belongs to the tertiary industry, in which products are resold rather than are produced, or the things proceed more immaterially, like washing dishes and delivering laggages. Why economy can stand upon such a circumstance? Maybe this kind of thoughts are worthless as long as things goes on like this.

    To raise examples, China is developing its economy to be reffered to the world's factory. This can be agreed with ease because, in manufacturing procedure of T-shirts for example, a texture must be made up at first, and then it must be sewn by human or machine's hand next, then finally the products can be born. On the other hand in Japan, where elderly's care is more and more needed, nothing can be born and remained as a result of care services. When a eldery person is admitted to a care home, the cost comes from his or her offsprings' income, but this money also comes from other tertiary services they are engaged in! Why do things go on like this although nothing is born?

    Of course, Japan has primary and secondary industries partially, but even if this fact is took into account, I am still wondering why this partial industries can support the entire society's productivity of Japan. I am not specialized, so this is not worth thinking...



*market value n. (U, C)  市場価値。 cf. market principle 市場原理

*contemporary adj. 現代の。

*tertiary industry n. 第三次産業。

*immaterial adj. 非物質的な。霊的な。精神的な。無形の(intangible, non-physical)。

*sew vt. ~を縫う。過去形はsewn。

*admit vt. ~を(病院などに)収容する、入れる。