3/15(木) 北田学(reeds) & 南博(piano) | APOLLO スケジュール

北田学(reeds) & 南博(piano)

3/15(木) open 19:30 / start 20:00
投げ銭制(for musicians) *ミュージックチャージ 投げ1000~ 制!
& 800yen (bar charge) + drink order
下北沢APOLLO 東京都世田谷区北沢2-9-22 EIKOビルB1

北田学 / Manabu Kitada https://uncomfortablecomfortable.com/profile/



Tokyo based Japanese clarinet player, composer ,improvisor. I learned basics of playing clarinet from a classical music player when I was in junior high school. Few years after that, I started playing Jazz. It was kind of ‘self-taught awful music’. But I loved playing such music. Totally free from academic thing made me feeling good.

Improvisational music has been the center of my musical concern since at that time. I was into Sonny Rollins,John Coltrane,Keith Jarrette and etc…
There are three musicians who influenced me a lot.They are Michel Portal, Louis Sclavis and Tim Berne.

When I listened to Michel Portal for the first time, I hadn’t played bass clarinet. His sound struck me. I started part time jobs for making money and finally get a bass clarinet. Bass clarinet is the thing. You know?

Louis Sclavis is one of my favorite clarinet players. His way of improvising, composing and instrumentaion is… really something.

Tim Berne…
He is my long time iconic musician. I’ve listened to his music more than 25 years. There is no musician whom I listen to such a long period of time. His music deeply drew me to improvistional music. I remember the first meeting at his place. It was an evening of a beautiful summer. I stood in front of the red door. I ring the door bell. Few second after, he appeared other side of the door… Woo,breathtaking… We played improvisation, Paul Motian’s composition and Tim’s composition at that time.

All experience has created me who I am. I’ve met wonderful musicians. I’m playing with crazy guys. I’ll play fckn’cool shit in the future. That’s all.
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