あぁ~ 今日はケンタのイギリスでの最終日です。 ・°・(ノД`)・°・




公園でグルグル回るやつがいっぱいあったからちょっと気持ち悪くなって目眩になっちゃいましたぁ~ ガーン 笑

多分寝ないけどねぇ。。。スーツケースをパッキングするのはまだ終えてないし。。 笑





Ahhh, today is Kenta's last day in England.

We had planned on hanging out with one of my friends but we couldn't get hold of her and in the end it seems she couldn't make it. かお

So instead, the two of us went to an Italian restaurant and ate loads! ナイフとフォーク

After that we went and hung out in a nearby park and then came home. コスモス
The were loads of twirly things in the park so I ended up feeling a bit sick, lol.

The plane leaves early tomorrow so we have to wake up early and get to the airport.
We probably won't sleep though, he still hasn't finished packing yet, lol.
We have to say bye bye tomorrow so I think we're just gonna be playing games and watching films today. ニコニコ

Well, I'm going to Japan in 10 days time so it's not really "bye bye", more like "See ya later!". チョキ

We met this beautiful bengal on the way home. ☆


It's already been one year since the earthquake that destroyed so many lives in Miyagi-ken.
It seems to have gone by so quickly to all of us who watched the disaster from our phones or TVs but to the people who had to experience it, I can't even begin to imagine how hard this past year must have been for them.

To this day people are still living in make-shift homes and are having to rely on the support of others.
Thousands of people have lost family and friends.
Although a year has passed, that still isn't enough time to get businesses up and running again, there is still so much to be done.

It's easy to say がんばろう日本!
But I think many people who have been affected by the earthquake feel the people who use this phrase so freely don't fully understand the hardships they have to go through.

The road to recovery is undoubtedly a long one, .It's very hard to know what to say, but I think kind words of support and donations, however big or small, can go a long way and I want the people of Japan to know that you're forever in my heart.

はやく復興するといいなぁ ドキドキ

Places you can donate: (Japan) (UK) (UK/Japan) (USA) (USA)
ふぅぅ~ バイトから帰ってきたばっかでちょっと疲れたけど寝る前ちょっと更新したいと思います。(*^▽^*)




★-stratford street



そこでは蝶々がたくさん飛んでてたまに服にとまってきます。 笑
行ったことあるんだけどスゴクいい雰囲気で何回も行ったって飽きてこないと思います 笑


もしなかったら、スゴイいい香りしてホントおいしくておすすめなので食べるチャンスがあったら是非食べてみてください!о(ж>▽<)y ☆

★-thai curry ★-thai restaurant


でも結局話すことがなくなってきてちょっと気まずくなっちゃったし、次の日は学校あったから22:45ぐらいに帰ったけどまた会えばうれしいなぁ (*^▽^*)

家の近くにサッキーフィッシュのお店があって うお座 前から気になってたので昨日足の角質を食べてもらうようにそのクリニックに行ってきました 笑
だからキレイになるために魚くん達が頑張って足の汚れを食べてくれました!:*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:




Haaa, I've just got back from work so I'm a little bit tired but I want to update my blog before I sleep.

On Thursday I went with my mum and Kenta to Stratford.
I hadn't been to Stratford in a long time but when I got there all the shops that I'd been to before had gone bankrupt and disappeared! しょぼん

But the buildings were as beautiful as always so I took loads of photos!
When you think of Stratford Shakespeare is the first thing to come to mind I think (^-^)

Also we went to the butterfly farm again.
There are loads of butterflies flying around so sometimes they land on your clothes!
I've been before but the atmosphere is so nice no matter how many times I go I don't think I'll ever get bored of it! lol

After that we went and ate my favourite Thai green curry.
Have you tried it before?
If you haven't, it has a really lovely smell and it tastes amazing so I recommend it, if you get the chance please try it! ニコニコ

On Wednesday when Amelie got back from school she told me two Japanese girls had come to her school that day to talk about Japan and that they were living with one of her friends.
My mum wants me and Kenta to meet more Japanese people it seems so she rang up the guy who's house the girls were staying at to ask if they wanted to come over for tea. ニコニコ

They were really lovely girls, we had tea and biscuits and then went to the pub.
We talked about all sorts of things related to Japan and England.
In the end we ran out of things to talk about and it got a little bit awkward, also they had school the next day so they had to go home at 10:45.
I hope we can meet them again in the future though 音譜

Near my house there is a 'sucky fish' shop which I've been interested in for a while so yesterday I went to the clinic to get the skin on my feet eaten lol
Well not "eaten" but you know how the hard bit of your heel on the bottom of your feet get hard, ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノI went to have my feet made beautiful by having the little fish eat the yucky bits for me! うお座

It tickled a lot at first but we got used to it and we ended up with lovely soft feet!
It was a bit expensive but I definitely want to go again!



★-strange car











そこでWKD BLUEってゆうキレイな青色の飲み物を飲んで帰りました。



Good evening 音譜

The other day I went with my Dad, his girlfriend, and Kenta to the Coventry Transport Museum.
Kenta loves cars so my Dad thought we should go.

There were loads of interesting things...

...but my favourite has got to be the horses にひひ

After that we walked around the streets of Coventry...

...and found the oldest pub in Coventry!

There we drank a pretty blue drink called WKD and went home.

It was a good day. ニコニコ

やぁ~みんな!久しぶり ☆

今回更新してない言い訳はないんです・・・ただの怠け者です 笑


最近別におもしろいことしてないので書くことはあんまりなくて今日の記事はちょっと詰まんないかも (TωT)


久しぶりに泳いだからすぐ疲れたけどけっこう楽しかったです 笑
私とケンタはよくプールの底で泳げたけどアメリー(妹)は全然できなくて教えてくれよ!って言われました (´∀`)

ストレスが溜まってアメリーのほっぺは赤くなって プンプン すごく可愛かったです。(‐^▽^‐)

名古屋に1ヶ月ぐらいしか住んだことないからいろんなとこに行ってみたいなぁ。。。名古屋城とか (*^▽^*)




Hey everyone! Long time no see! :o)

I don't have an excuse this time as to why I haven't updated....I'm just lazy! lol

How are you all?

I haven't done anything particularly interesting recently so I don't have much to write so this post might be a bit boring. 得意げ

Yesterday I went with my 9 year old sister and Kenta to the pool.
I hadn't been swimming in a while so I got tired pretty quickly but it was quite fun.
Me and Kenta could swim along the bottom of the pool but Amelie (my sister) couldn't do it at all and told me to teach her. (^∇^)
We taught her for ages but it was no use.
Every time she tried to swim along the bottom her bum kept floating up to the top and all you could see was my little sister's big bum! にひひ
She got really frustrated and her cheeks went red, she looked very cute. (^-^)

Oh! also I got my ticket to Nagoya! YAY!!!!
Yes! I'm staying for 3 months (unfortunately I don't have enough money to stay any longer)
I'm really looking forward to it!
I've only lived in Nagoya for about a month before so I want to go to lots of different Nagoya castle. (‐^▽^‐)
I wanna go and see Kenta's festival as well.

Today was the last lesson with my Japanese student.
He's planning to go to Nagoya on the 9th March so maybe we'll see each other again.グッド!

...That's all for now ヒマワリ