K: Takuma, it's time for bed. We have an early flight tomorrow.


T: OK.Give me a few minutes.


K: Aren't you sleepy? Watching videoes for long hours isn't good for your eyes.


T: I know,but I want to check out more ramen shops.

K: Is that what you're watching?

T: Yes, I'm looking forward to eating real ramen shops.


K: Me too. Ramen is too expensive here in the States.


T: Exactly.Man, all the foreign tourists making these videos know good places in Japan.


Target Forms


1.  待つことは難しい ⇒ Waiting is difficult.  

2.  泳ぐのは楽しい ⇒ Swimming is fun.

3.  友人を作るのは簡単ではありません ⇒ Making friends is not easy.



Grammar in Action


1. ジョギングは健康にいい

  ⇒Jogging is good for your health. 

2. おにぎりを作るのは簡単です。私が教えてあげましょう

  ⇒Making onigiri is simple. I'll teach you.

3. フォークでご飯を食べるのは大変です。スプーンを使ってもよろしいでしょうか?

  ⇒Eating rice with a fork is tough. May I use a spoon?