

 2024.04.26のBBC「Midnight News」で次のセンテンスが聴き取れた。

「Climate scientists say last week's major rainfall in Dubai and Oman was most likely made worse by global warming. the United Arab Emirates has had its heaviest downpours since records began 75 years ago. A report published by World Weather Attribution says there are no other known explanations for the severe weather.」




「Big storms do blow into Dubai every few years, but not quite last week. The city got a year and a half worth of rainfall in a single day across the United Arab Emirates and Oman. 23 people were killed and both countries were brought to a near standstill. More than 1000 flights were delayed at Dubai airport, the 2nd busiest in the world, a study by an international team of researchers found the downfall was made between 10 and 40% more intense because of climate change and because rain storms are so rare on the Arabian Peninsula, There isn't much data for experts to work with, so the findings are uncertain. But they say the trend is clear.」


