

 2024.01.13のBBC「Midnight News」で次のセンテンスが聴き取れた。


「The West Midlands is experiencing the worst outbreak of measles for three decades. The number of confirmed cases since October has reached 167, most of which have been detected in the last few weeks. The previous largest outbreak since the two dose MMR vaccine was introduced was in 2012.And there are 126 cases across the whole year. Health officials have blamed Vaccination levels.」




「The virus, which is incredibly contagious and can cause breathing difficulties with fever and a rash. Although most people recover, for some that can be serious complications. In rare cases it can be fatal. At Birmingham Children's Hospital, Doctor Neil Bugs said the past few weeks have been unprecedented.」




「In a typical winter, we would see no cases of measles at all. In the last month or so, we've had over 50 laboratory confirmed cases of measles coming through the front doors. It's because it's so contagious …」



「The UK Health Security Agency said that the outbreak in the West Midlands was affecting under 5 most of all around 40% of whom needed some hospital treatment. Targeted efforts are being made to give more people the MMR jab. In Birmingham, vaccination rates have fallen to 85% well below the 95% required to maintain herd immunity. The agency said that in some of the city’s neighborhoods the rate was as low as 5%.」


