

 2024.01.07のBBC「Midnight News」で次のセンテンスが聴き取れた。

「Federal Aviation authorities in the United States have ordered airlines to check certain Boeing 737 Max 9 models after one of them was forced to make an emergency landing when part of the fuselage blew out mid-air. The Alaska Airlines flight was carrying around 180 people when the incident occurred. It's now expecting all its fleet of planes, which it grounded after the incident.」




「Flight 1282, carrying 177 passengers, was 35 minutes into its journey from Oregon to Ontario, CA, where part of the fuselage was torn off, leaving a hole in the side of the aircraft.

The pilot was forced to alert aircraft control to the severity of the situation.」



「… of hear in a loud bang before emergency oxygen masks dropped. Video footage shot on board shows the dangling masks and a huge gap where the window should have been, and the passengers themselves staying remarkably calm.」



「I looked to my left and there's this huge chunk part of the airplane just like missing and the wind is just extremely loud. There's wind blowing everywhere.」


と乗客は話しているが、「The plane landed safely at Portland to the relief of all on board.」



「The Federal Aviation Administration has ordered the grounding of 171 similarly configured 737 Max 9 aircraft pending inspections. Alaska Airlines had already grounded its fleet of 65, but it's returned 1/4 of those to service after inspectors gave them the all clear. United Airlines has grounded close to 8737's. That's caused disruption and sixty flights have been cancelled. The manufacturer, Boeing, said it deeply regretted the incident and it was supporting the investigation into what had gone wrong.」

(米連邦航空局は、検査が保留されている同様の構成の737 Max 9型航空機171機の運航停止を命じた。アラスカ航空はすでに65機の運航を停止していたが、検査官の許可を受けてそのうちの4分の1(?)が運航に復帰した。ユナイテッド航空は8737便近くで運航を停止した。これにより混乱が生じ、60便が欠航となった。製造元のボーイングは、この事件を深く遺憾に思い、何が問題だったのか調査を支持すると述べた。)

