Potential of Low Dose Leuco-Methylthioninium ・・・ | フレイルも認知症も減らない日本


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ウイルスと戦争の世紀で人生を終えることになるとは・・・まさに第三次世界大戦前夜の状況ですからね しかも本日は日本の金融市場はトリプル安



Potential of Low Dose Leuco-Methylthioninium Bis(Hydromethanesulphonate) (LMTM) Monotherapy for Treatment of Mild Alzheimer’s Disease: Cohort Analysis as Modified Primary Outcome
in a Phase III Clinical Trial

Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease xx (20xx) x–xx 1 DOI 10.3233/JAD-170560
IOS Press



LMTM is being developed 
as a treatment for AD 
based on inhibition of tau aggregation.


To examine the efficacy of LMTM 
as monotherapy 
in non-randomized cohort analyses 
as modified primary outcomes 
in an 18-month Phase III trial in mild AD.


Mild AD patients (n = 800) were 
randomly assigned to 100 mg twice a day 
or 4 mg twice a day. 

Prior to unblinding, the Statistical Analysis Plan was revised 
to compare the 100 mg twice a day as monotherapy subgroup
 (n = 79)
versus 4 mg twice a day as randomized
 (n = 396), 
and 4 mg twice a day as monotherapy
 (n = 76) 
versus 4 mg twice a day as add-on therapy
 (n = 297), 
with strong control of family-wise type I error.


The revised analyses were statistically significant at the required threshold 
of p < 0.025 in both comparisons 
for change in ADAS-cog, ADCS-ADL, MRI atrophy, and glucose uptake. 

The brain atrophy rate was initially typical of mild AD in both add-on and monotherapy groups,
 but after 9 months of treatment, the rate in monotherapy patients declined significantly to that reported for normal elderly controls. 

Differences in severity or diagnosis at baseline between monotherapy and add-on patients did not account for significant differences in favor of monotherapy.


The results are consistent with earlier studies in supporting the hypothesis that LMTM might be effective as monotherapy and that 4 mg twice a day may serve as well as higher doses. 

A further suitably randomized trial is required to test this hypothesis.
