昨日の投稿で、閾値走での8㎞TT 5日間連続で取り組んでいるようお話してましたが、


台湾サンダル黄色で外にでる。 少しウオーキングして、軽いジョグをするとゆっくりではあるが、身体が動きだす。

しゅぱつからTTは無理なので、㌔6分半程度で5㎞走ればいいや気分でしたが、 ビルドアップ気味で7㎞走れました。



まだ課金するかどうか迷ってますが、 Strava さんの 相対的エフォートは 今週で 目標範囲を大幅に超過しているとの事。




走りたくない時も、軽くて涼しい 台湾サンダルは やっぱり私のメインシューズなのかもしれません。

ありがとう 台湾サンダル君。




毎日投稿でそろそろ話題が枯渇してきました。 明日も投稿できるかな??


The damage from the 8km time trial at the threshold running pace for three consecutive days is not to be underestimated. Grateful for the yellow Taiwanese sandals.

In yesterday's post, I mentioned that I have been working on the 8km time trial at the threshold running pace for five consecutive days. However, it seems that the fatigue has not subsided, and this morning, I struggled to find the motivation to get up at 5:30 am to run. Nonetheless, I mustered up the energy and went outside in my yellow Taiwanese sandals. After a short walk and a light jog, my body felt sluggish, and although I initially thought of running 5km at around a 6-minute 30-second pace, I ended up running 7km with a build-up approach. My target run is 400km (an average of 12km per day), so despite being in a distance "debt" again today (-9km), it was a great feeling to run comfortably.

I'm still undecided about whether to subscribe, but it seems that according to Strava, my relative effort this week has significantly exceeded the target range. It warned me to be mindful of overtraining and to ensure adequate recovery, so it seems like my body is giving me a heads-up.

Even when I don't feel like running, the light and cool Taiwanese sandals might still be my main shoes after all. Thank you, Taiwanese sandals.

I hope to post someday about running at a 5-minute per kilometer pace and ending with a slightly faster jog. Now, I'm still undecided about whether to go for a run. It seems like my daily posts are running out of topics. Will I be able to post again tomorrow?