先週に行ったエースシューズ(含台湾サンダル)による6㎞TTの結果、結局はシューズではなく、自分の走力だけが判断基準かなと確認。 台湾サンダルが他のシューズに劣っていないことを身をもって確認したこともあり、台湾サンダルで行くつもりではありましたが、自分の持っている一番高価なシューズ メタスピードエッジパリでの レース初使用もしたい事もあり、結構ぎりぎりまで悩みました。 10㎞で100m以上の下りと上りのあるコース。 得に下りで鼻緒が切れたりしないのかなと少し心配しましたが、

結果的には全くの杞憂に終わりました。 通常のシューズを履いて走っているのと何ら変わりなく、軽量であることは間違いのない長所でした。 レース結果は





最初の1㎞は子供の国内を走る幟で 次の1㎞は公園から道道へのゲキサカ下りです。

今回も実は時計を見ていません。 2歩で1回と数えて450回(900歩)がほぼ1㎞と考えて走っています。







昨年は52分25秒         薬剤師さんは5位

今年は50分38秒 の結果でした。  薬剤師はなんと2位 (速いランナーさんが一人コース上体調悪くなり、止まったらしい)



メタスピードエッジパリで走っていたらどうだったのかなと思う気持ちもありますが、台湾サンダルの軽さを考えるとそんなに変わらないかなと思います。 前半の飛ばし過ぎを警戒して、最初の1㎞を5分オーバーで走る感じで抑えたのももしかしたらタイムを落としかもしれませんが・・・

成績は 41位/127人  高校生以上なら上出来かな。

因みに60歳以上のランナーさんが34人に参加だったようです。   この中で何位だったのかなと少しだけ思っております。


2500円の参加費で、 夕張メロンピュアゼリー、 北菓楼の棒アイス、 今治タオル付きは  まあまあの参加商品ではないでしょうか。





2023年の正月から走りだして、1年半頑張って(月平均300㎞は走ってます)。やっともう過ぎ10㎞ 50分切りができる走力になってきました。 次の目標はハーフ 140分。 フルサブ4。 道マラに向けて暑熱順化をしつつ、まだまだ進化する予定です。


First race in Taiwanese sandals - Sunagawa Amenity Marathon 10km

After the 6km time trial last week using Ace Shoes (including Taiwanese sandals), I confirmed that ultimately it's not the shoes but my own running ability that determines the outcome. I had intended to run in Taiwanese sandals, having confirmed through personal experience that they are not inferior to other shoes. However, I also wanted to try out my most expensive shoes, the Metaspeed Edge Paris, for the first time in a race, so I hesitated until the last minute. The course had over 100m of uphill and downhill in the 10km race. I was a little worried about the possibility of the thong breaking during the downhill, but it turned out to be needless concern. Running in the Taiwanese sandals felt no different from running in regular shoes, and their lightweight nature was undoubtedly an advantage. The race results were as follows:

June 2023: 4.56-4.35-5.01-5.24-6.00-4.48-5.06-5.04-5.05-5.53 - surplus

June 2024: 5.13-4.19-4.56-5.17-5.42-4.40-4.45-4.42-4.55-5.46 - surplus

The first kilometer was running through a children's national flag, and the next kilometer was a steep downhill from the park to the main road.

I didn't check the time this time. I'm running by counting 450 steps (900 steps) as approximately 1km, and I'm running based on the physical sensation of difficulty. From 3km to 4.8km, it was uphill. My pace dropped significantly, but I focused on not overusing my legs. After the turnaround, there was a tough uphill until the last 700m before the finish line in the park, followed by a nearly flat downhill. I didn't push too hard on the steep downhill, but rather focused on regulating my breathing (in a sense, feeling like resting), and then maintaining the pace on the gentle downhill. The subsequent steep downhill was too challenging. I almost stopped, but I pushed through it desperately, and then, feeling the footsteps of a fast and beautiful young female pharmacist from work who had overtaken me last year, I probably reached my highest speed since resuming running (momentarily below 3 minutes and 20 seconds per kilometer) for the final stretch. Last year, my time was 52 minutes and 25 seconds, and the pharmacist finished 5th. This year, I finished in 50 minutes and 38 seconds, and the pharmacist came in 2nd (apparently, one fast runner on the course fell ill and stopped). I couldn't achieve my goal of finishing in under 50 minutes, but at almost 63 years old with three grandchildren, I think it's a decent improvement. And I was able to prove that I can run a race without any issues in Taiwanese sandals. I also wonder how it would have been if I had run in the Metaspeed Edge Paris, but considering the lightness of the Taiwanese sandals, I don't think it would have made much of a difference. Perhaps I might have lowered my time if I had been more cautious about not pushing too hard in the first half and ran the first kilometer over 5 minutes. My ranking was 41st out of 127 participants, which I think is pretty good for anyone high school age or older. By the way, it seems that there were 34 participants aged 60 and above. I'm curious about my ranking among them. With an entry fee of 2500 yen, including a Yubari melon puree jelly, Hokkaido confectionery's stick ice cream, and Imabari towel, it's a fairly decent set of participation prizes. For those coming by public transportation, it might be a bit challenging as it's about a 4km walk from Sangawa Station to the Children's Country. Originally, it seems that the main mode of transportation is by car, perhaps because the event has been held since 1986 to commemorate the opening of the expressway to Takikawa. This event overlapped with the peak of my running career, coinciding with the Lake Saroma Ultra from 2007 to 2009. I participated again in 2022 without much training and almost finished like the last runner. I started running from New Year's Day in 2023 and have been working hard for a year and a half (averaging 300km per month). I've finally reached the level where I can run 10km in under 50 minutes. My next goal is a half marathon in under 140 minutes and a full marathon in under 4 hours. While acclimating to the heat for the Hokkaido Marathon, I still have plans to continue evolving.