




昼からの楽しい誕生会後は、 札幌どまり。


それは、Youtubeで「ラン食」さん他が絶賛する、Daily trainer  アディゼロSL2があれば購入するという目的。


流石都会のゼビーには、ちゃんと在庫があり。  Light Strike 2.0の2相構造と中間には+Light strike Proがフルレングスで挟まっているらしく、 広いスイートスポット、そこそこの反発性、フィット感等があり、速いジョグ向きのシューズとの事。

「無駄ゼロ、 ストレスゼロ、エネルギーロスゼロ」なのだそうです。

試し履きでした瞬間はよくわかりませんでしたが、14300円という値段にひかれて予定通り購入。 予約注文していた #ミズノネオビスタが次の日に届くことを知っての買い物でした。


翌日日曜日に 買ったばかりのSL2 でのラン。 北海道マラソンのコースを意識して、創成側沿いを24条迄北上し、宮の森・24条通りを西に向かい、武蔵女子大、北大に入って、道庁赤レンガ、大通りゴールで10㎞ラン。


飲めないアルコールでやや体調悪かったのですが、広いスイートスポット、そこそこの反発性、安定性があり、そして意外と跳ねてくれる。 売りは速いジョグにとても向いているとの事。  ついちいペースが上がり、心肺が付いていけず、ウーキングも混ぜつつの朝ランでした。 いつものマイコースとは違うので、良い感じはするな程度の感覚だったかもしれません。


用事を済ませ、夕方自宅に帰ると、そこには予約注文をしていた、 #ミズノネオビスタ (イエローライム*ブラック*レッド)が届いてました。 開封しつつニヤニヤして眺めてました。



早速翌日の 6/17朝:  アディゼロSL2で まいコースでのランニング。 具体的な設定はせず、そこそこのスピードで走る予定でススタート。 5’38(アップのつもり)-5’08-4’56-4’48-4’43-4’43  と  マイホームコース6㎞の近年のベストがでてしまいました。余裕はない走りなので、そこはだめですが、どんどんスピードがでて、前に進む感じです。 SL2良きと感じました。安定性もいいのでロングにも良さげです。  いいランシュー見つけた感じでした。  そしてコスパは最高ではないでしょうか。




サブ4で終るつもりはなく、サブ3.5を目指して真剣にランニングをしています。 (サブ4を目指していると、いつまでもサブ4すら達成できない予感がしています。)


  という事で、 名古屋の原田拓プロのYoutubeで「OLさんのサブ3.5応援シリーズ」が最近Youtubeで始まり、さっそく拝見。

3㎞(頑張る)-1㎞(ジョグして呼吸を整え)ー1㎞ TT


OLさんは、 14分30秒⇒ 6分30秒 ⇒4分30秒  合計25分30秒。  なので、㌔5分6秒位が練習ペースとなるようです。

勿論余裕をもっての走りであるべきです。自分は、ネオビスタで これを意識して、最後1㎞TTのみはそこそこ出し切るつもりで走ってみました。

結果: 3㎞(4’44-4’44-4’37)-1㎞ジョグ(5’18)-1㎞tt(4’19) で 23分42秒の望外のタイムでした。

朝の練習でこんなに速く走れたことはなかったので驚きです。  アップの1㎞が5分26秒であり、6㎞を29分10秒とラン再開後練習で初めて6㎞で30分切りのおまけがつきました。



  • smooth speed assist( SSA)

  • スーパートレーナモデル

  • オールラウンド なシューズ

  • 速いジョグに最適だけでなく、様々な場面でアシストしてくれるそうです。

  • そして丈夫らしいです。




6/20も同じ条件で #ミズノウエーブリベリオンフラッシュ2 (現在のエースシューズ)そして

6/21は #アシックス メタスピードエッジパリ (力不足なのか上手く走れない感じ) で 走ってみようと考えています。



ブログに書くと、やらざるを得ないので頑張ります。ひどい雨の場合のみ、日程変更はあります。 ご勘弁ください。

The whirlwind of busyness surrounding my mother's funeral and interment came to an end on June 11th. From June 12th onwards, it was back to regular work. While tackling the accumulated tasks, I was actually in the midst of searching for a permanent residence before my retirement in a few years, and there were also important life matters such as loan screenings to attend to. Amidst these tasks, work resumed. Furthermore, on June 15th, there was the first birthday celebration for my third grandchild (which I was looking forward to). After the enjoyable birthday party in the afternoon, I stayed in Sapporo. Since I was in the city, I went to Ario's Xebio to look for something specific – the Daily trainer Adidas Adizero SL2, highly praised by "Ran-shoku" and others on YouTube. As expected, the urban Xebio had it in stock. It seems to have a two-phase structure with Light Strike 2.0 and a full-length Light Strike Pro in the middle, providing a wide sweet spot, decent responsiveness, and a good fit, making it suitable for fast jogging. It's said to be "zero waste, zero stress, zero energy loss." Although I couldn't fully grasp it during the trial fitting, I was drawn to it by the price of 14,300 yen and made the purchase as planned, knowing that the Mizuno Neobisuta I had pre-ordered would arrive the next day.

The next day, Sunday, I went for a run in the newly purchased SL2. I ran along the Hokkaido Marathon course, heading north along the Sosei side up to 24-jo, then west along the Miyanomori and 24-jo streets, entering Musashi Women's University and Hokkaido University, and finishing at the Red Brick Government Building and Odori Avenue after a 10 km run. I wasn't feeling well due to not being able to drink alcohol, but the shoes provided a wide sweet spot, decent responsiveness, and stability, and surprisingly, they gave a good bounce. It seems to be very suitable for fast jogging. My pace increased unintentionally, and it was a morning run with a mix of walking. It felt different from my usual course, so it was a somewhat good feeling.

After finishing my tasks and returning home in the evening, the Mizuno Neobisuta (yellow lime * black * red) that I had pre-ordered had arrived. I opened it and smiled as I looked at it.

The next morning, June 17th, I went for a run on my usual course with the Adidas Adizero SL2. Without specific settings, I planned to run at a decent speed. The times were 5'38 (intended as a warm-up) - 5'08 - 4'56 - 4'48 - 4'43 - 4'43, and I achieved my recent best time for the 6 km home course. It was a tight run, so that part wasn't good, but the speed kept increasing, and it felt like I was moving forward. I felt that the SL2 was good. It also has good stability, so it seems suitable for long runs. It felt like I found a good running shoe, and the cost performance seems to be excellent.

Fourteen years ago, running a sub-4-minute mile was common for me, and I ran for about 8 years. After an 8-year hiatus, I resumed running about a year and a half ago. I thought I could easily return to running a sub-4-minute mile, but it has become a surprisingly high wall for me, who will turn 63 this month. I don't intend to finish at sub-4; I am seriously aiming for sub-3.5. (If I aim for sub-4, I have a feeling that I will never achieve even that.)

With that in mind, I recently watched a YouTube series called "OL's Sub-3.5 Support Series" by Taku Harada from Nagoya. I immediately watched it. It involves running 3 km (doing my best), 1 km (jogging to regulate breathing), and 1 km time trial. The average time for the 5 km run is to be used to determine the intensity of future training. OL's times are 14 minutes 30 seconds, 6 minutes 30 seconds, and 4 minutes 30 seconds, totaling 25 minutes 30 seconds. So, it seems that a pace of about 5 minutes 6 seconds per kilometer is the training pace. Of course, it should be a comfortable run. With the Neobisuta, I ran with this in mind and tried to push myself only in the final 1 km time trial. The result was 3 km (4'44-4'44-4'37) - 1 km jog (5'18) - 1 km time trial (4'19), resulting in an unexpectedly good time of 23 minutes 42 seconds. I was surprised to run this fast in the morning practice. The warm-up 1 km was 5 minutes 26 seconds, and for the first time in my training since resuming running, I ran 6 km in under 30 minutes. I pushed myself to the limit, so the result is not a pass, but it's certain that the Neobisuta is a wonderful shoe as rumored. * smooth speed assist (SSA) * super trainer model * all-round shoe * not only suitable for fast jogging but also assists in various situations * and it seems to be durable.

Having acquired two potential ace shoes, my already high motivation has been further boosted. On June 19th, I plan to run under the same conditions with the #Taiwan sandals in yellow. On June 20th, under the same conditions, I will run with the #Mizuno Wave Libelion Flash 2 (my current ace shoe). And on June 21st, I am considering running with the #Asics Metaspeed Edge Paris (I feel inadequate in using it) to see how it goes. Although the wind, temperature, physical condition, and the day of the run won't be the same, it seems to be an interesting standard.