2011年をピークとしたランニング生活を何故か2014年頃にやめて、以降はキャンプ、ハイエースバンコン車中泊、コロナ期には女子プロレス ”Stardom”にを中心にLife を楽しんできた自分。


171㎝で 18歳時 体重は60㎏なしのがりがりです。







体重は60㎏から 最大85㎏までなったかな。


たかが脂肪肝、されど脂肪肝。 別名死亡肝。






運動部出身の後輩に背中をおされて 地元の10㎞大会(砂川アメニティーマラソン)

3ヶ月後の隣町のハーフマラソン完走 等を経て、体重も確か70㎏を切って、体調も良くなってマラソンにはまり始めたと思う。


2008年3月に荒川市民マラソンで初フル。 4時間17分05秒だったようです。


毎年タイムが良くなり、ボッチ練習でフル3時間38分台迄。 ガーミンを手にいれてまいましたが、現在のSNSにランニング情報があふれている時代とは違い、練習内容はどうなのかな??といつも手探りでした。




引っ張ってもらう練習とか、1㎞TTでぎりぎり4分切ったりとか、サロマ100㎞3回完走したとか、フルで唯一のサブ3.5 である3時間24分で洞爺湖フルを走ったとかありました。 洞爺湖も千歳JALも思い出深い大会です。 千歳では念願の初サブ4を2008年6月の第28回大会で達成しているようです。


そして2023年1月に3回目のランニング復帰をして、 夏のひどい暑さも乗り切って、無謀な北海道マラソンでのフル参加を皮切りに、 2023年11月の作ACさんのフルマラソン30㎞ DNFも経験して




8月28日 北海道マラソン 5時間53分24秒 ギリギリメダルゲット

11月 作ACマラソン 3時間27分 寒さで30㎞でギブ


2月25日 大阪マラソン ネット 4時間30分12秒

1月に400㎞をゆっくりですが走った効果があったのと、6分15秒位以上は速く走らなと決めたからか、得に30㎞から脚が垂れずに 意外と気持ちよく、満足した完走ができた。 このレースが一番よかったかもです。


5月19日 第50回ANA洞爺湖ネット 4時間26分13秒

19㎞までサブ4ペースで良い感じいだったのですが、18㎞あたりの長い坂を越えたあたりから、脚が動かなくなり、歩きまで入ってしまう、とても辛いランとなりました。 後半はタイムを見る余裕などなく、歩きを加えつつ何とか走り切った感じ。



6月2日 千歳JALマラソン ネット4時間17分48秒

決して突っ込まない感じで、冷静に㌔5分30秒前後を走ってましたが、これまた19㎞あたりから脚が動かなくなり、22㎞を越えのスピードが出るはずの下りまで、歩かないで前進程度のラン(歩いている人は抜かせるが、走っている方にはすべて抜かれる)感じでの辛い走りでした。 歩きたくなりましたが、エイドで止まる事は許容して、絶対歩かない事だけを決めて、何とか最後まで走る切ってます。最後1㎞、チームの黒沢さんに引っ張ってもらって、ほんの少しごぼう抜きの気持ちを味わさせていただきました。



ランニングリスタート後5本目のマラソンの結果何故か4時間17分。 13年前の自分は高い壁だなと思いますが、 結局相手は自分なのでそこを目指すのは不可能ではないはず。 そんな気持ち、向上心でまだまだ伸びしろがあると信じてます。

北海道マラソン以降全てのフルで、3時間以上走ると体が右に傾いてしまいます。3時間以内にゴールすれば気にならないですが、そういうわけでもなく、今の自分の悩むです。 背筋を鍛えるべきなのか??どこかバランスが悪いのか??













533-107 ガーミンでは41.23㎞とでます。



30kmの壁の前に19㎞の壁を乗り越えるために、ゆっくりで良いので定期的は2時間ロング(2時間半、最終的には3時間ロング)を1~2週で1回を定期的に行う必要性があると感じます。 勿論プチスピード練習もいれていきます。


来週はまたハーフマラソン。 黒の台湾サンダル1号での挑戦予定です。



I stopped my running life, which peaked in 2011, around 2014 for some reason, and since then I have been enjoying life centered around camping, van camping in a high ace van, and women's professional wrestling "Stardom" during the Corona period.

I am 171 cm tall and weighed 60 kg at the age of 18, without any excess weight. Forty years ago, during the coming-of-age ceremony, receiving an ashtray as a congratulatory gift was the norm. Now that I have become an adult, I have engaged in many unhealthy behaviors, so let's pay our taxes, shall we? Fortunately, I obtained a medical license through power learning 39 years ago. It was a good time, wasn't it? After the information session, there were delicious meals and alcohol. I also used to smoke (but quit at the age of 37). My weight fluctuated from 60 kg to a maximum of 85 kg. Whenever I had a check-up, my liver function was always poor, and despite being busy with work, I had excessive nutrition. It was just a fatty liver, but still, a fatty liver, also known as a death liver. Around 2007, I experienced fatigue and worsening liver damage (even after quitting smoking at the age of 37 and gaining more weight). It felt life-threatening, so I canceled all volunteer-like meetings and started exercising in a sauna suit. I was overjoyed when I could run 1 km. I was so happy when I completed a 5.6 km circuit at the Oasis Aquatic Park that I cried (perhaps even happier than when I completed the Salomon 100 km). Encouraged by a junior colleague from the sports club, I participated in the local 10 km race (Sapporo Sandagawa Amenity Marathon), and three months later, I completed a half marathon in a neighboring town. My weight had dropped to below 70 kg, and I started to feel better, which I think is when I became addicted to marathons. I participated in the Fukushima Nomaoi Marathon Half during a business trip to Sendai and ran my first full marathon at the Arakawa Citizen Marathon in March 2008, finishing in 4 hours 17 minutes and 5 seconds. I have written about my marathon records in previous articles. My times improved every year, and I even achieved a sub-3-hour 38-minute full marathon through solo training. I acquired a Garmin, but unlike the current era flooded with running information on social media, I always felt like I was groping in the dark about my training content.

Feeling stagnant, I joined the Chibariyo RC. Taking advantage of the toll-free highways during the change of government, I think I commuted from Sandagawa to Asukayama in Ebetsu for training by car. There were practices where I was pulled along, and I barely managed to run a 4-minute kilometer in a time trial, as well as completing the Salomon 100 km three times and running the only sub-3.5 full marathon in 3 hours 24 minutes at Lake Toya. Lake Toya and Chitose JAL are memorable races for me. It seems that I achieved my long-awaited first sub-4 at the 28th Chitose JAL Marathon in June 2008.

Then, in January 2023, I made my third return to running, enduring the intense summer heat and starting with a reckless full participation in the Hokkaido Marathon, followed by a DNF in the 30 km full marathon at the Saku AC race in November 2023. I have been running every day, trying to get closer to my 50-year-old self who achieved numerous personal bests in 2011.

In the 2023 season:

  • August 28: Hokkaido Marathon - 5 hours 53 minutes 24 seconds, barely getting the medal

  • November: Saku AC Marathon - 3 hours 27 minutes, gave up at 30 km due to the cold

In the 2024 season:

  • February 25: Osaka Marathon - net time 4 hours 30 minutes 12 seconds

  • The effect of running 400 km slowly in January and deciding to run at least 6 minutes 15 seconds faster seemed to work, as I managed to run comfortably without my legs giving out from 30 km onwards, and I felt satisfied with the finish. This race might have been the best one.

  • May 19: 50th ANA Lake Toya Marathon - net time 4 hours 26 minutes 13 seconds

  • I felt good at a sub-4 pace until around 19 km, but after crossing a long hill around 18 km, my legs stopped moving, and it became a very painful run, with no time to look at my time in the second half, and I managed to finish while adding some walking. I still feel regretful about it.

  • June 2: Chitose JAL Marathon - net time 4 hours 17 minutes 48 seconds

  • I was running at a steady pace of around 5 minutes 30 seconds per kilometer, but again, my legs stopped moving from around 19 km, and it was a painful run, with my speed not picking up until after 22 km (I could overtake those walking, but everyone running passed me). I wanted to walk, but I allowed myself to stop at the aid stations and decided not to walk at all, managing to run until the end. In the last 1 km, I was pulled by a teammate, and I experienced a little bit of the feeling of overtaking.

Running a 4-hour 17-minute marathon at the age of 47, my fifth marathon after restarting running. It's strange that my time was exactly the same as 13 years ago. I think the old me set a high bar, but since the opponent is myself, it should be possible to aim for that. I believe there is still room for improvement with this mindset.

This doesn't really serve as a memo for Chitose. Lap times with Garmin:

  • 532-523-532-530-532-

  • 527-527-523-600-526-

  • 527-527-548-525-534-

  • 534-532-601-558-603-

  • 644-706-540-540-550-

  • 618-730-714-645-710-

  • 732-748-730-710-650-

  • 658-636-641-657-637-

  • 533-107 Garmin shows 41.23 km.


    When I asked the event staff, they mentioned that the distance had been officially measured multiple times. It seems that the GPS is not accurate, possibly due to the forest. In urban marathons, it often feels like Garmin records laps faster. To overcome the 19 km wall before the 30 km wall, it seems necessary to regularly do a 2-hour long run (eventually 2.5 hours, and ultimately 3 hours) at a slow pace. Of course, I will also include some speed training.

Next week, I will be participating in a half marathon again, this time wearing Taiwanese sandals.