
当時,最先端の油彩画を学びに海を渡った若き日本人画家達とルオー画伯との,お互いへの敬意と芸術の研鑽の証 - あかし - が展示されていました



Exhibition of Georges Rouault and Japan. 
A Shared Spirit and Sense of Art. @ Panasonic Shimdome Museum of Art. 

Yesterday, before the sky begind to cry, I came to this exhibition.
 The works on display were the young Japanese painters who crossed the sea to study cutting-edge oil paintings in France about a century ago, and Mr. Rouault, a local painter, for their respect for each other and a testament to their artistic work.
 During the viewing, my heart was able to travel to that place at that time for a while.
 Thank you very much for the wonderful exhibition.