




"That's right you said"



"The reason why Sol is with me means that he might be using me."










"But, that's OK"











"I can really feel your hatred. Vampires are pathetic beings, and that's what Sol himself said."




"Greg, you're always alone, but you're a living witness of history."





"You should know that you shouldn't repeat the hatred."





"Sol was lonely as like you. I'm sure he had more painful experiences that I don't know about. That's why he suppressed his emotions.




...I've researched more about wolves than vampires, so I don't know much about them, but...I'm sure...Sol might know that he can't go back to being human..."













"I was a spellcaster several hundred years ago and created the Moon School."








"When all around here was simply known as Moonwood, we stood on top of a mountain and, with a fellow spellcasters, cast the most powerful spells ever."






"The moon's light has penetrated us and the surrounding land. It was called great change of the moon."








"Why do you think Moonpetal only grows on that mountain? Where do you think Lunafish came from?



This is what I created. ”





"Due to the great change of the moon, some of the spellcaster's genes mutated, and they gained wolf-like powers. At that time, they were part of the Moon school of spellcasters...but then the flow of magic began to turn inward. An incarnation of a wolf that has lost its magical powers...mutated into a werewolf."






"Around that same time, spellcasters used their powerful magical powers to create alter egos of themselves. That's what vampires are. The first vampires, who strongly inherited the origins of spellcasters, possessed paranormal powers that everyone feared. However, they were extremely bewildered about their birth."








"Therefore, he rebelled against his master, the spellcaster, and drank all of their blood. Immortal creatures, which should never hunger for food or thirst for water, began to thirst for blood, which is human life."





"Foolish spellcasters released their alter ego into the world without loving it. Do you understand this foolishness?"





I can't say anything..."






"Because I don't know my father. When I was in my mother's womb, he got scared and ran away. Me and my mother were abandoned by her husband."





"But my mom, grandpa, and grandma loved me as much as they could and raised me."




"I can't say it well, but I can't give you a yes or no answer. I'm sure Sol also has an answer that goes beyond foolishness or not......I can't explain well but, I think he has something... ”





"Are you going to defend that monster?"











“Those who defend immortality... I will not forgive you!”





"NONONO, I don't wanna fight with you!!!"








"Pleeeaaaase!! Help me!!! Anyone!!!!!"












"Get away from him!"
















"Bastard damn wolf, go back your teritory"









"Thank you for saved me Rory!"




“No problem bro...but, why would you do something like this that annoys Greg? Is this part of your job as a writer?”

“No...last time and this time, I have no direct connection..."

"Anyway, if you feel at risk for your life, don't get any closer to Greg!"