2020年 3月 9日 セルフ・リブログ  × 英 訳    = 浜田省吾ライナーノーツ風



  This Now March, Almost all of the elementary, middle, and high schools in Japan, we are in the midst of the school closures. And there are people who are forced to cancel or postpone the events such as concerts and plays.





  The stage , The national meet which might have been once in a lifetime which he or she grasped after a desperate effort.  Graduation ceremony.  Wedding day .  There are people who were forced to be patient or give up.

力の限りを尽くした努力の末にようやく掴んだ全国大会、卒業式やこの機をずらしたくはなかった結婚式もあった筈だ。 一生一度が奪われてしまった人たちがいる。 我慢し今は諦めるしかない人たちがいる。




  The spread of infection which we are unable to stop is a fuse which has already been fired, which is raging and eating the Japanese archipelago. One  after another, a new number of people are reported every day.  To make matters worse that will still be spreading as of now.




   I've never had the flu in my life. No matter how much you and I care, perhaps either you or I or both of us might get into that number of this new COVID-19 patient in the near future. Of course I 'd like to hope not.




  There are people in trouble. It's been taken up, people've been robbed. A person in tears or a person who has no choice but to let go of his heart.  It's a life-and-death problem that they can't stand.  A sense of anxiety, A sense of impatience, A sense of despair, Guilt, A sense of blockage a heart-beating pain of irritation, Dizziness ...




  With your voice and a smile, I want you to blow these upsets away when the day comes. 

When you can sing at Ichihara City Chiba Prefecture as planned, I never fail to go.  I do want to respond to your will of choosing Ichihara as the first step this time if the situation is forgiven. To hope for the better situation, but we have very few days until the day, I know.

However, after heavy pain, I wait for the moment and the day when comes to calm to us through over these experience.


Dear Chiharu










□ 今日 聴いたアルバム □□





今も こうして暮らしてる

これからも 生きてゆけるさ



君は君の その人生を 受け入れて楽しむ他ない

最後には 笑えるように


浜田省吾 「 日はまた昇る 」より