



Across the road, beyond the fence is SDF base.


Azusami-tenjin Shrine near-by.


砂川平和ひろばの隣の柿の木が たくさんの実をつけました。

Persimmon tree in a yard adjacent to Sunagawa Heiwa Hiroba




Board set up in  Sunagawa Akimatsutri Hiroba (Autumn Festival Park)

by a group of local residents who call themselves

Ki-wo-ueru-kai, a tree-planting associon. 

This board explains how this space was created and devloped, 

after the land was abandoned as a result of the cancellation 

of the US Airbase expansion plan.

Anti-Base Movements in Military City | 砂川平和ひろば Sunagawa Heiwa Hiroba (ameblo.jp)

自衛隊強行移駐から50年――基地の町の市民運動 | 砂川平和ひろば Sunagawa Heiwa Hiroba (ameblo.jp)


  ↖ 2022年9月15日に撮影

Akimatsuri Hiroba on September 15, 2022


↓荻野哲哉 野外展 開催初日の11月26日に撮影↓

↓Photos taken on November 26, when the open air photo exhibition

   of OGINO Tetsuya started.



2015年10月11日に 砂川秋まつりひろばに植樹された被爆アオギリ2世



距離と方向を示す標識が 立っています。


アダム・トンプキンスが見出した「砂川闘争」の記憶の場 | 砂川平和ひろば Sunagawa Heiwa Hiroba (ameblo.jp)


Here is the second generation of ”Hibaku Aogiri (F.Platanifolia)," which was transported from an area of Hiroshima that was exposed to radiation from the atomic bomb and planted in Akimatsuri Hiroba in October 11, 2015, 

The sigh near the tree indicates the direction and distance from here to Fukushima, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Henoko, Okinawa.

During Ogino's art exhibition, small monuments made of fallen leaves and twigs were placed here and there in the park, representing the relative localtion of the above-mentioned places in a scale of 1/100,000.

Each momument sreves as a stand to display a photo floating on water in each dish.

They as a whole compose a total installaiton called A  Garden of Images yet to be Devloped.



それぞれ水をはった皿に入れられ 公園内の枝や落ち葉を利用してつくられた

スタンドの上に 展示されています。

その全体が 秋まつりひろばを舞台とした ひとつのインスタレーション



標識の左手は福島 中央にひときわ大きく見えるのが広島、続いて長崎







その写真の人は 広島で被爆者語り部として生き




On each leave of Hibaku Aogiri, a photo of Ms NUMATA Suzuko, is printed.

She was an A-bomb victim in Hiroshima, who related her experiences for

 postrity untile 2011.