2022年 10月9日(Sunday) 

砂川の大地より とどけ平和の声






Message of Peace from the Land of Sunagawa


 Reversions of Tachikawa and Okinawa at 50

Rethinking about Military Bases of Okinawa and SDF 


(Please find the English translation "Call for Support" at the bottom.)








 しかし、砂川では、次のような歴史を持っていることも思い返したい。1982年4月25日(日)、いまから40年前に開かれた集会は、「砂川公民館・平和広場」で、「いま沖縄『復帰』10年を問う あきさみようヤマト世 語やびら沖縄世―三多摩交流集会―」をテーマに開かれました。その記録が載っているのが『テント村通信』です。その立川自衛隊監視テント村のメンバー(大洞俊之さん)を3人目の提題者としてお迎えします。




ウィスコンシン大学社会学部博士課程修了(Ph.D.)。元国際基督教大学教授。主著に『風景の裂け目 沖縄、占領の今』(せりか書房)など。







(加入者名:「砂川平和ひろば」)                                        振込用紙に氏名・住所・メールアドレスをご記載下さい。



Call for Support


It has been 67 years since the beginning of the Sungagawa Struggle, a movement objecting to the expansion plan of US air-base in Tachikawa. At the same time, the year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of both the Japanese Self Defense Force (SDF) moving an air squadron onto the former US Base in Tachikawa over the local citizens’ opposition, and Okinawa’s return to Japan. 

These three historical events the Sunagawa Struggle, the SDF’s transfer, and Okinawa’s reversion, should be embraced as real time issues of “here-now-me.” In this regard, we are planning to organize an assembly on Sunday, October 9, 2022, in Sunagawa, inviting two speakers from Okinawa; TANAKA Yasuhiro (1954- ), a former professor at International Christianity University and AKIYAMA Michihiro (1983- ), an associate professor of humanities and social sciences at Okinawa International University.

Looking back upon the history, from the very beginning of the Sunagawa Struggle, government officials assumed that the base was to be handed over from US to SDF. The director of the Procurement Agency FUKUSHIMA Shintarou, for instance, who visited Sunagawa several times for negotiations about the land expropriation, stated in the cabinet committee held on May 19, 1955, “US Air Force or something of that sort will leave someday, so probably in the future Japan’s Air Force will replace it. In a form of today’s paperwork procedures, this is an issue of expanding the runway of an airport used by the US air force, but substantially, regardless of the US Air Force, it is a matter of a minimum airport expansion for the sake of Japanese self-defense …….”

However, US Air Force never left Japan. It stayed and shared the expanded airbases in Yokota and Okinawa alongside “Japan’s Air Force.” We will still remember the historical fact that an exchange meeting was held forty years ago, on April 25, 1982, in “Sunagawa Kominkan (community hall)/Heiwa Hiroba,” under the title of “Alas, in this time of Yamato (meaning Japan as opposed to Okinawa), let’s discuss the time of Okinawa,” which was expressed in a local language of Okinawa. This program was recorded in a newsletter called “Tento-mura Tsuhin” of the Tachikawa Tent Village for Monitoring SDF. From this Tent Village, we will invite one of its members, OHBORA Toshiyuki, as our third speaker of this year’s assembly.

Fund for our annual assembly is raised by chips from those who share its concerns and awareness described in this message, and this year’s meeting in particular is co-organized by Sunagawa Heiwa Hiroba and the Center for Glocal Studies of Seijo University.
Funds for our annual assembly are raised by donations from those who share its concerns and awareness described in this message. This year’s meeting is co-organized by Sunagawa Heiwa Hiroba and the Center for Global Studies of Seijo University.