Man... there you go with the van with loudspeakers on the roof top. Now you see a little woman waving with a white glove on her one hand sticking out from the car window, cruising by.

Then you see a I-have-got-no-idea-who-he-is guy with his herd of avid supporters blocking half of the walk way in front of the train station. He is giving a speech nobody would want to listen and his comrades are giving away pamphlets nobody would want to take home.

Election. Election in Japan is so cheap. I mean really, it's just cheap.

It's cheap because there are way too many elections in a year.

The way I see it, Japanese do not need election. What they need is erection. That would be the thing to make this an even better country.

We need free Viagra distribution but not pamphlets.

Come on 自民党or民主党, or maybe even幸福実現党, give us that darn pills.

We the people have worked hard and have been through enough to see that you guys are nothing but big mouths hanging on a skeleton frame.

We want erection. Not election.
