
Mad Man Killed Fellow Workers inside Mazda Compound


This aint no joke.

Yesterday on June 22nd at 7:40am, a man breached the perimeter security and broke into Mazda compound in a car. The man went on to run down a total of 11 persons in ten minutes. The last person this man ran over in his frenzy was dead on the spot. This man then proceeded to exit the company compound from another gate and wasnt found until he himself phoned the police to turn himself over.

This is the guy. 42 year old. Never worked a full time job, so the paper says.

CK's blog マレーシア出身の外国人CKが日本のあれこれを英語で発信するブログ

Just ten minutes, 1 had died, 1 suffered from severe injuries and other 9 are still hospitalized.

Many more who happened to witness the incident will not heal from the shock.

The man used to work for Mazda, only that he quit the job after working for a mere eight days. When questioned by police about his motive, he said he had something going against the company and that he had wanted to just kill indifferently.

The victim who is dead, has left a wife and a ten months old daughter.

I hope this murderer will die and rot in hell.

I have been thinking, could this not have been avoided? Below is the course map of this man's driving. The black numbered circles show the sequence in which people were ran over. The white squares indicate the number of people fallen victim.

As you can see, the man came through the East Gate. This was the point of security breach. He got two down at this point and his presence was made known to the security personnel. What I want to say is, the security office knew that the perimeter has been compromised and they have to stop this man, or this car, for that matter.

However, as we can also see from the map, the man got freely away and went on with his killing spree all the way to the North Gate. It was at the this North Gate he killed a person.

Now, it took this man 10 minutes to travel from East Gate to North Gate. Security office was on alert. Why wasnt the security office making sure there will be no more casualties other than the first two at the East Gate?

They might not have patrol cars, no road spikes, no dogs or no guns. But they can at least use the PA system announcing the incident to keep people away from the open ground! Why didnt they do that??

I was becoming more and more restless thinking about this. I came to my own speculation.

But before telling you that let me tell you one more thing. The security office is not exactly run by Mazda. It is a privatized business. The company that got this job is a subsidiary of Mazda Motor Company. Meaning to say, they are two different organizations.

So here's my speculation. Could it be that the security office did not and could not act proactively because they were bound by the red tapes? That they have to get approval and signatures and make sure all paper works are in order before being able to make that announcement?

I'll be damned if my speculation is right.

Whatever the reasons are, the security office is suppose to be here to make sure we are safe. And WTF people actually died at the workplace where it is supposed to be safe. And this isnt even terrorist attack.

I expect to see heads rolling on the payroll.

CK's blog マレーシア出身の外国人CKが日本のあれこれを英語で発信するブログ

CK's blog マレーシア出身の外国人CKが日本のあれこれを英語で発信するブログ

CK's blog マレーシア出身の外国人CKが日本のあれこれを英語で発信するブログ

watch your back at work, OK?