
CK Newsletter Volume 112: What is World Cup to Japan


I have seen three World Cup tournaments in Japan starting from year 2002.

The first time, I noticed something different as to how the Japanese and Malaysians react to World Cup.

The second time, I re-discovered that feeling.

The third time and now, I think I have confirmed and found out what is so different between the two countries, in terms of what the society can offer its people when it comes to world cup experience.

Point 1. No public viewing facility.

No there isnt any in Malaysia anyway. But there are Steven Corners or other mamak stalls back home with wall-mounted TV sets playing live telecast matches. Now that is something I miss so much.

Point 2. No signs of soccer fever on the streets.

No posters, no banners, nobody wearing worldcup 2010 t-shirts and no radio playing worldcup theme song.

It's just so quiet, so much so that it is bothering me. Granted, there are TV commercials on World Cup, like beer sponsors and McDonalds. But any other than that you pretty much wont know WorldCup is here.

Point 3. No genuine love for soccer(?)

The Japanese(most of them and the media) only talk about Japan national team. No real interest for other countries. Proof? They dont show you matches on national TV unless it is Japan playing. I mean, do they want to see Japan playing soccer or do they want to see World Cup?

I dont know...

Have a nice day!