
CK Newsletter Volume 110: Hiking for Dating


For real, Akiko and I went on a date. What we did on that date was we went hiking.

But then again this isnt so much for a date. Part of it we wanted to do it just to spend some quality time together. A bigger part of it we needed to start doing some hiking to prepare ourselves for a real mount climbing. We dont have much time to get prepared.

Two months from now.

Not enough time for training.

Just in case if you ask, no we are not climbing Mount Fuji. That's really not too tough.

Anyway, this mount we climbed she was really more like a hill. With only 500 plus meters of height it took us a mere 30 minutes ascending.

You cant see it in the photos but there were mosquitoes, bugs and smells and whatever you think is gross was there.

Right in the middle of the woods there was an old man sitting there eating his lunch. All by himself. I dont want to get old being like him. I told Akiko. And she told me the same. Aint not the way to get old.

Please enjoy the photos!

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CK's blog マレーシア出身の外国人CKが日本のあれこれを英語で発信するブログ

CK's blog マレーシア出身の外国人CKが日本のあれこれを英語で発信するブログ

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