
Thanks JoonSai for your insightful response. I think everybody have learnt something from it.

CK Newsletter Volume 67: F1 race car

I havent been following the F1 for quite some years already. For one thing I dont have a TV to begin with and for another there just isnt too much coverage on F1 on local media. what a shame since Japan is one of the largest car exporting country.

But anyway everyone knows toyota is in the F1 showbiz. They are doing quite well, comparing the results and years spent in the sports. Dont know why they are good (they are probably good in everything they do as long as it's about automobile) but they seem to be open with their secrets. On a layman level that is.

I went to a big dealership in downtown Tokyo and there was a display of the Toyota F1 race car. it is the real car, mind you.
I cant make out any difference between a Red Bull and a Toyota but you can see for yourself.
I have never been that upclose and personal with a F1 race car.

There was a audio visual terminal that simulates the cockpit environment when driving a F1 race car. Man all I could remember was blasting sounds and nauseous speeds.

Behold, the F1 race car is racing towards you!

CKのブログ F1 race car.JPG

CKのブログ F1 race car rear.JPG

CKのブログ F1 Engine.JPG

CKのブログ exhaust.JPG

CKのブログ F1 Tires.JPG

CKのブログ rear wheel.JPG

CKのブログ floor pan.JPG

sent on 09/7/18