
CK Newsletter Volume 60: The war has just begun

The next big wave in automotive industry is coming. And it's coming real fast.
Major japanese brands are competing fiercely to roll out electric-assisted vehicle as fast as they can.

Toyota launched the new Prius. This is the third generation of Prius, allegedly to have the performance of a 2.4L car although it only houses a 1.8L engine. Thanks to the motor. Attached picture is a one-page 2D commercial Toyota put on one of the major national paper.

Honda launched the Insight a few weeks ago. And now Honda announced plans to roll out Hybrid Fit (translatation: Hybrid Jazz) some time next year. Along with the new Fit, there's a small car that resembles very much the once infamous CR-Z. That will also be a hybrid mutant.

Mitsubishi is launching an electric car next year. This would be the first mass-produced car that is fully propelled by electricity - if it really hit the market that is.

Mazda is not offering any hybrid models in the near future. Instead, she is offering a sure fire way to improve fuel consumption - by using less of it. We call it the i-Stop system. It cuts the fuel supply to the engine when the vehicle comes to a complete stop. When the vehicle is ready to move again, the engine comes back to life without the inteference of the starter. For details, please visit the website. :-)

Below are some links for you to check out the vehicle mentioned above.
Do check them out, it's pretty cool.

New Toyota Prius: http://toyota.jp/prius/
Honda Insight: http://www.honda.co.jp/INSIGHT/type/index.html
Mazda New Mazda 3 with i-Stop system: http://www.axela.mazda.co.jp/pre/ Click the lowest tab on the left. You will be greeted by three video clips.
Mitsubishi i-MiEV http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/special/ev/


have a nice day!

sent on 09/5/29