
CK Newsletter Volume 59 : Relentless Flu

The flu isnt slowing at all in Japan. Since the first case of infection was detected about a fortnight ago in Osaka, it has since spread to Kobe and then all the way to Tokyo. Now i think i dont want to mislead you here, the infection happened in Tokyo was not spread from Osaka. Instead, students coming back from the US went through the health check without clicking off the slightest alarm. That's how it came into Tokyo.

Anyway the point isnt who brought the virus in and how it was spread. The point is the virus is already here.
The outbreak of a BioHazard is a clear and present danger. (I wrote this just because i like the sound of it. Not that I am making a statement. Pls understand that. :-) )
Major corporations in Japan have put on restrictions to overseas trip and even domestic travel. No one is able to buy themselves masks because a large public has bought them way beforehand and the large organizations are stocking them up as well. The supply simply doesnt match the demand. Meanwhile, the government sensed that the public health sector wont be able to handle the influx of a huge number of flu patients in case of a major outbreak. They came up with this idea: if you are not feeling that bad pls stay home and heal yourselves. brilliant. Am i suppose to die in my own house without receiving any medical attention? Friends, i have no answer to that.

A source informed me that this H1N1 flu will turn into a more powerful mutant sometime in the Fall.
Let's see if it's true. And I surely hope not.

Take care buddies!


sent on 9/5/24